Teacher’s Advise for Written Responses

B.H.S. Teacher’s Advice to Students

General Advice for written responses:

  • Avoid stereotypical responses bereft of any individual interpretation
  • Answer the question set and not to twist it into a different and more amenable question.
  • In the evaluation and interpretation of sources, it is equally essential that students avoid a mechanical approach.
  • Students must answer the question – attention must be given to any key words, phrases and commands.
  • Students must provide accurate and sufficient supporting detail.
  • Students must know dates, avoid generalizations, and make effort not to confuse key figures and events.
  • Ensure student’s handwriting is legible and encourage practice writing essays by hand.
  • Avoid abbreviations, one-sentence paragraphs and colloquialisms
  • Students must read more serious historical material, think about and discuss key topics and spend more time practicing their writing skills.
  • MUST know the command words and the appropriate approach to a source based paper.
  • Avoid formulaic and mechanical.
  • Typicality, authenticity, completeness, consistency and usefulness are each given their separate paragraph.
  • Students MUST go beyond the generic and include dates, contexts, tone and purpose.
  • The BEST students are marked by an intellectual flexibility that can respond via intelligent questioning of the sources as to their limitations, utility, purpose and audience.
  • Argument and judgment should emerge naturally
  • There are few subjects left which require a piece of extended and argumentative prose (history).
  • MUST read the sources, their introductions and attributions.
  • Strongly advise for a focus of debate and discussion in class.