AP EURO Quarter Two

Quarter 2 Topics

  • The Arrival of the “Hungry Scots”
    1. James I of England, r. 1603-1625
    2. The Gunpowder Plot, 5 November 1605
    3. English Colonization and Joint-Stock Companies
    4. The King James Bible
    5. Charles II – King of England, Scotland, and Ireland
  • The 17th Century Crisis
    1. Millenarianism
    2. The Price Revolution
    3. The Impact of the Religious Wars
    4. Vagrancy and the Poor
    5. Syphilis, Misogyny, and the Witch-Craze
  • Wars of Religion, 1559-1648
    1. French Wars of Religion and Henry VI
    2. Causes of the Thirty Years’ War
    3. Course of the Thirty Years’ War
    4. Consequences of the Thirty Years’ War
    5. The Westphalian System and the Nation-State
  • The Puritan Revolution and Stuart Restoration
    1. Charles and Parliament
    2. English Civil War
    3. The Puritan Revolution
    4. Levellers, Diggers, and Fifth Monarchy Men
    5. Regicide and Cromwell
    6. Cromwell and Jamaica
    7. Cromwell and Ireland
    8. The Lord Protector and Commonwealth
  • Toward a Print Culture
    1. Growth of Printing Houses, 1450-1600
    2. Notable Books and Authors
    3. Literacy Rates – North vs South
    4. Protestantism and Education
    5. Printing during the 17th Wars
  • Making Sense of it all: Patents and Joint-Stock Companies
    1. Piracy
    2. Banking and Currency
    3. Joint-stock Companies
    4. Insurance (Wallace and Webster, 1744)
    5. The Royal Patent
      1. Italian Patents – Brunelleschi
      2. Royal Prerogative
  • Letters Patent – monopoly
  • Making Sense of it all: The Scientific Revolution
    1. Aristotelian Thought and Scholasticism
    2. Nostradamus and Descartes
    3. Astrology, Navigation and Star-gazing
    4. Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo
    5. Galileo and the Venetian Arsenal
    6. Towards a Newtonian Universe
    7. Deism, Pantheism, and God as a clock maker
  • Making Sense of it all: Absolutism
    • New Monarchs and the Tudor Revolution
    • Stuarts and the Failure of Absolutism
    • Richelieu, the Fronde, and the Sun King
    • Versailles the center of European Culture
    • French Academy of Sciences
    • Colbert and Mercantilism
    • The Wars of Louis XIV
  • Making Sense of it all: The Glorious Revolution, England Inc.
    1. The Stuart Restoration 1660
    2. London in the 1660s
      1. Samuel Pepys’ Diary
      2. The Great Plague
      3. The Great Fire
  1. The Dutch Wars and William III
  2. 1688 The Dutch “invasion” of Britain
  3. The Bank of England and Recoinage
  • Sir Isaac Newton and Numismatics
    1. Principia Mathematica 1687
    2. Master of the Mint
    3. Influence on Philosophy
  • Freemasonry
    1. “Secret Societies”
    2. Freemasonry in Britain
    3. Freemasonry on the Continent
    4. Freemasonry in the Colonies
  • The Age of Reason – John Locke and Imperial Britannia
    1. Hobbes’ Leviathan
    2. John Locke – Political Philosophies
    3. The Great Re-coinage of 1696
    4. Currency and Constitutions
  • The Ancient Regime: Romanovs
    1. Geography of Russia
    2. Ivan the Terrible
    3. The Times of Troubles
    4. The Advent of the Romanovs
    5. Peter the Great
  • The Ancient Regime: The Bourbons
    1. The Legacy of Louis XIV
    2. The Reign of Louis XV
    3. Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
    4. The Royal Debt
  • Enlightened Despotism and the Philosophes
    1. Voltaire
    2. Prussia and Frederick the Great
    3. Russia and Catherine the Great
    4. Maria Teresa and the War of the Austrian Succession
    5. Joseph II an Enlightened Despot
  • Poland-Lithuania and its dismemberment
    1. The Governmental Dilemma
    2. The Siege of Vienna – Poland Saves Europe
    3. The Dismemberment of Poland
  • Causes of the French Revolution
    1. Absolutist-Feudal System of Government
    2. The Financial Crisis
    3. The Impact of Enlightenment Ideas
    4. 1787-1789 Overview
    5. The Meeting of the Estates General
  • The French Revolution
    1. The National Assembly
    2. The Legislative Assembly
    3. The National Convention
    4. The Reign of Terror
    5. The Directory
  • The Advent of Napoleon Bonaparte
    1. The Coup, The Consulate, and The Code
    2. General Napoleon
    3. Emperor Napoleon
    4. Military Glories and Blunders
    5. The Campaign of 100 Days and Waterloo
    6. Exile and Burial
  • The Age of Metternich, 1815-1848
    1. Impact of the Revolution and Napoleon on Europe
    2. The Congress of Vienna and the Congress System
    3. Bourbon Restoration and Charles X – July Days
    4. Greek and Belgian Independence
    5. Louis Philippe “Citizen King”
    6. Post-War Britain
    7. Duke of Wellington as PM