- Winston Churchill, 1915-1955
- Churchill’s Political Career
- Churchill on Communism
- Churchill’s Writing Career
- Churchill as Statesman
- Churchill’s Britain
- Charles De Gaulle Fourth Republic
- Leader of Free French Forces
- President of the Fourth Republic
- De Gaulle, Algeria, and Indochina
- Post-War France
- De Gaulle and 1968
- UN, Bretton Woods, and the Cold War
- Wilson’s 14 Points and the Atlantic Charter
- America as a World’s Policemen
- Lessons Learned: IMF and World Bank
- The American-led United Nations
- Decolonization and Global Trade
- The G8 and WTO
- Germany and the Origins of the Cold War
- Russian Perspectives on Germany
- Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech
- Yalta Agreement and Betrayals
- Occupied Germany and Denazification
- The Nuremburg War Crimes Trial
- The Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan
- Merging Allied Zones and Currency
- Berlin Crises, 1948-1961
- NATO and Warsaw Pact Forces in Germany
- Britain and the Welfare State
- Labour’s Legacy “The People’s Budget”
- Social Welfare before the War
- Democratic Socialism in Post-War Britain
- The Beveridge Report
- The Creation of the Welfare State
- The N.H.S.
- Social Democratic Europe
- Post-War Constitutional Change
- Scandinavia
- Italy
- France
- Greece and the Truman Doctrine
- British Role in Greece during WWII
- The Balkan Situation in 1945
- Tito and Yugoslavia
- The Truman Doctrine
- Membership in NATO
- Franco and Salazar – Iberian Fascism
- Neutrality in the Second World War
- Fascist Spain under Franco
- Fascist Portugal under Salazar
- NATO Membership
- Mid-1970s and Reform
- Berlin Airlift and NATO
- Stalin’s Berlin Blockade
- Atomic Monopoly, Airpower, and the Airlift
- Formation of NATO
- Post-War Italy
- Birth of the Italian Republic
- Christian Democratic Party Dominance, 1946-94
- Economic Boom
- Communist Opposition
- The Second Republic and the E.U.
- Benelux, OEEC, Rome Treaty, and The European Union
- Benelux post-war objectives
- European Coal and Steel Community
- The EEC and Shuman Plan
- Treaty of Rome
- Toward a Single Market
- Maastricht Treaty 1992
- Growth of the E.U.
- Cold War Espionage
- Cominform and the KGB/GRU
- Atomic Spies
- British Secret Agents
- CIA Operations in Europe
- The U-2 Incident
- Radio Free Europe
- The Game of Spies
- European Decolonization
- Wilson’s 14 Points and the League of Nations
- Japan Ascendant in Asia
- Balfour Declaration, Sykes-Picot, and Holocaust
- Indian Independence
- Mao and Chinese Civil War
- French Indochina
- Mau Mau Uprising
- Dutch Indonesia
- Portuguese Africa
- Liberation Movements and the Cold War
- Hungarian Revolt and Suez Crisis
- Eastern Bloc: Soviet Spheres of Influence post-WWII
- The Warsaw Pact and Khrushchev’s “Secret Speech”
- COMECON and Hungary
- Titoists, Trotskyists, and the revolt
- Polish Uprising in Pozan
- Soviet Intervention and Nagy
- Suez Crisis and Abandonment
- Working Class Britain during the 50’s and 60s
- The Class System of Britain
- Toward an end of deference
- The Welfare State and the Working Class
- The 1960s, the Beatles, and Mini-Skirts
- France, Algeria, and Indochina
- The Algerian Crisis
- Dienn Bien Phu
- Geneval Conference
- Khrushchev, Kennedy, and The Berlin Wall
- Berlin Crisis of 1958
- The “Brain Drain”
- Vienna Summit
- Paris Summit
- Ending the Crisis – The Wall
- Nuclear Europe
- American and Soviet Nukes
- Bomber Bases in Britain
- Missile Age
- British and French Nuclear Deterrents
- Opposition to Nuclear Weapons in Europe
- The German Economic Miracle
- The Marshall Plan
- Creation of West Germany
- Major Corporations
- Germany in the EEC and E.U.
- Re-unification after the Cold War
- The Year of 1968
- The 1960s – Social Demographics
- Impact of World Events on Europe
- Prague Spring
- Paris Uprisings
- IRA, ETA, and PKK
- Northern Ireland and the U.K.
- Basque Separatists
- The Turkish Workers Party
- International Terrorism in the 1970s
- IRA and Bloody Sunday 1972
- The Thatcher Revolution: the return of Liberalism
- The problem with Democratic Socialism
- Lady Thatcher and the Liberal Revolution in Politics
- 19th century Liberalism or a way forward?
- The Falkland Islands War
- The Iron Lady and her Opponents
- The Advent of John Major
- Leonid Brezhnev, 1964-1983
- Ouster of Khrushchev
- Managing Dissidence
- Economic Decline
- The Invasion of Afghanistan 1979
- Renewed Cold War under Reagan
- Star Wars, Counterinsurgency, and Vodka
- Solidarity and Decline of Soviet Power
- Polish Uprising of 1956
- Growth of Solidarity 1976 Protests
- Poland under Marshal Law
- Gdansk and Lech Walesa
- Roundtable Talks and semi-free elections 1989
- The Fall of the Berlin Wall
- Life with the Wall in Berlin
- Eastern Bloc Liberalization
- Gorbachev Reforms
- Sinatra Doctrine
- Fall of the Wall
- The End of the Cold War
- Withdrawal from Afghanistan
- Gorbachev Reforms: Perestroika and Glasnost
- Loss of Eastern Europe
- Dissolution of the Soviet Union
- Helmut Kohl and the Re-Unification of Germany
- East Germany and the Fall of the Wall
- Helmut Kohl
- Re-Unification
- Maastricht and the EU
- The Maastricht Treaty
- U. Membership
- Schengen
- U. Global Trade
- U. Immigration Laws
- Francois Mitterrand and Modern France
- France and the Fifth Republic
- France and European Integration
- The Legacy of WWII and Colonialism
- Tony Blair and “New Labour”
- New Labour
- Britain Under a Labour Government
- Gulf War I and Gulf War II
- Tony Blair and Northern Ireland
- The Rise of Vladimir V. Putin
- Boris Yeltsin and the Oiligarchs
- Putin’s rise to power
- Putin’s First Presidency, 2000-2012
- Putin the Irredentist
- Bosnia, Kosovo, and Chechnya
- The Breakup of Yugoslavia
- Bosnia
- Kosovo
- Russia and Chechnya
- South Ossetia
- Putin and the Ukraine
- Seizure of the Crimea
- David Cameron and 21st c Britain
- Britain at the turn of the Millennium
- Gordon Brown and 2010 Election
- Nick Clegg and the Lib-Dems
- Scottish Devolution 2014
- Iraq and Afghanistan Wars
- The Conservative Party in 2016
- European Migrant Crisis and the Eclipse of Europe
- Arab Spring 2011
- The Syrian Civil War
- The Rise of ISIS
- The Refugee Crisis: Turkey
- The Migrant Crisis: Spain
- The Migrant Crisis: Italy
- The Migrant Crisis: Greece
- The Migrant Crisis: Germany
- Pegida, Le Pen, and the Swing to the Right
- The Paris and Brussels Bombings