AP EURO Quarter Four

  • Winston Churchill, 1915-1955
    1. Churchill’s Political Career
    2. Churchill on Communism
    3. Churchill’s Writing Career
    4. Churchill as Statesman
    5. Churchill’s Britain
  • Charles De Gaulle Fourth Republic
    1. Leader of Free French Forces
    2. President of the Fourth Republic
    3. De Gaulle, Algeria, and Indochina
    4. Post-War France
    5. De Gaulle and 1968
  • UN, Bretton Woods, and the Cold War
    1. Wilson’s 14 Points and the Atlantic Charter
    2. America as a World’s Policemen
    3. Lessons Learned: IMF and World Bank
    4. The American-led United Nations
    5. Decolonization and Global Trade
    6. The G8 and WTO
  • Germany and the Origins of the Cold War
    1. Russian Perspectives on Germany
    2. Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech
    3. Yalta Agreement and Betrayals
    4. Occupied Germany and Denazification
    5. The Nuremburg War Crimes Trial
    6. The Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan
    7. Merging Allied Zones and Currency
    8. Berlin Crises, 1948-1961
    9. NATO and Warsaw Pact Forces in Germany
  • Britain and the Welfare State
    1. Labour’s Legacy “The People’s Budget”
    2. Social Welfare before the War
    3. Democratic Socialism in Post-War Britain
    4. The Beveridge Report
    5. The Creation of the Welfare State
    6. The N.H.S.
  • Social Democratic Europe
    1. Post-War Constitutional Change
    2. Scandinavia
    3. Italy
    4. France
  • Greece and the Truman Doctrine
    1. British Role in Greece during WWII
    2. The Balkan Situation in 1945
    3. Tito and Yugoslavia
    4. The Truman Doctrine
    5. Membership in NATO
  • Franco and Salazar – Iberian Fascism
    1. Neutrality in the Second World War
    2. Fascist Spain under Franco
    3. Fascist Portugal under Salazar
    4. NATO Membership
    5. Mid-1970s and Reform
  • Berlin Airlift and NATO
    1. Stalin’s Berlin Blockade
    2. Atomic Monopoly, Airpower, and the Airlift
    3. Formation of NATO
  • Post-War Italy
    1. Birth of the Italian Republic
    2. Christian Democratic Party Dominance, 1946-94
    3. Economic Boom
    4. Communist Opposition
    5. The Second Republic and the E.U.
  • Benelux, OEEC, Rome Treaty, and The European Union
    1. Benelux post-war objectives
    2. European Coal and Steel Community
    3. The EEC and Shuman Plan
    4. Treaty of Rome
    5. Toward a Single Market
    6. Maastricht Treaty 1992
    7. Growth of the E.U.
  • Cold War Espionage
    1. Cominform and the KGB/GRU
    2. Atomic Spies
    3. British Secret Agents
    4. CIA Operations in Europe
    5. The U-2 Incident
    6. Radio Free Europe
    7. The Game of Spies
  • European Decolonization
    1. Wilson’s 14 Points and the League of Nations
    2. Japan Ascendant in Asia
    3. Balfour Declaration, Sykes-Picot, and Holocaust
    4. Indian Independence
    5. Mao and Chinese Civil War
    6. French Indochina
    7. Mau Mau Uprising
    8. Dutch Indonesia
    9. Portuguese Africa
    10. Liberation Movements and the Cold War
  • Hungarian Revolt and Suez Crisis
    1. Eastern Bloc: Soviet Spheres of Influence post-WWII
    2. The Warsaw Pact and Khrushchev’s “Secret Speech”
    3. COMECON and Hungary
    4. Titoists, Trotskyists, and the revolt
    5. Polish Uprising in Pozan
    6. Soviet Intervention and Nagy
    7. Suez Crisis and Abandonment
  • Working Class Britain during the 50’s and 60s
    1. The Class System of Britain
    2. Toward an end of deference
    3. The Welfare State and the Working Class
    4. The 1960s, the Beatles, and Mini-Skirts
  • France, Algeria, and Indochina
    1. The Algerian Crisis
    2. Dienn Bien Phu
    3. Geneval Conference
  • Khrushchev, Kennedy, and The Berlin Wall
    1. Berlin Crisis of 1958
    2. The “Brain Drain”
    3. Vienna Summit
    4. Paris Summit
    5. Ending the Crisis – The Wall
  • Nuclear Europe
    1. American and Soviet Nukes
    2. Bomber Bases in Britain
    3. Missile Age
    4. British and French Nuclear Deterrents
    5. Opposition to Nuclear Weapons in Europe
  • The German Economic Miracle
    1. The Marshall Plan
    2. Creation of West Germany
    3. Major Corporations
    4. Germany in the EEC and E.U.
    5. Re-unification after the Cold War
  • The Year of 1968
    1. The 1960s – Social Demographics
    2. Impact of World Events on Europe
    3. Prague Spring
    4. Paris Uprisings
  • IRA, ETA, and PKK
    1. Northern Ireland and the U.K.
    2. Basque Separatists
    3. The Turkish Workers Party
    4. International Terrorism in the 1970s
    5. IRA and Bloody Sunday 1972
  • The Thatcher Revolution: the return of Liberalism
    1. The problem with Democratic Socialism
    2. Lady Thatcher and the Liberal Revolution in Politics
    3. 19th century Liberalism or a way forward?
    4. The Falkland Islands War
    5. The Iron Lady and her Opponents
    6. The Advent of John Major
  • Leonid Brezhnev, 1964-1983
    1. Ouster of Khrushchev
    2. Managing Dissidence
    3. Economic Decline
    4. The Invasion of Afghanistan 1979
    5. Renewed Cold War under Reagan
    6. Star Wars, Counterinsurgency, and Vodka
  • Solidarity and Decline of Soviet Power
    1. Polish Uprising of 1956
    2. Growth of Solidarity 1976 Protests
    3. Poland under Marshal Law
    4. Gdansk and Lech Walesa
    5. Roundtable Talks and semi-free elections 1989
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall
    1. Life with the Wall in Berlin
    2. Eastern Bloc Liberalization
    3. Gorbachev Reforms
    4. Sinatra Doctrine
    5. Fall of the Wall
  • The End of the Cold War
    1. Withdrawal from Afghanistan
    2. Gorbachev Reforms: Perestroika and Glasnost
    3. Loss of Eastern Europe
    4. Dissolution of the Soviet Union
  • Helmut Kohl and the Re-Unification of Germany
    1. East Germany and the Fall of the Wall
    2. Helmut Kohl
    3. Re-Unification
  • Maastricht and the EU
    1. The Maastricht Treaty
    2. U. Membership
    3. Schengen
    4. U. Global Trade
    5. U. Immigration Laws
  • Francois Mitterrand and Modern France
    1. France and the Fifth Republic
    2. France and European Integration
    3. The Legacy of WWII and Colonialism
  • Tony Blair and “New Labour”
    1. New Labour
    2. Britain Under a Labour Government
    3. Gulf War I and Gulf War II
    4. Tony Blair and Northern Ireland
  • The Rise of Vladimir V. Putin
    1. Boris Yeltsin and the Oiligarchs
    2. Putin’s rise to power
    3. Putin’s First Presidency, 2000-2012
    4. Putin the Irredentist
  • Bosnia, Kosovo, and Chechnya
    1. The Breakup of Yugoslavia
    2. Bosnia
    3. Kosovo
    4. Russia and Chechnya
    5. South Ossetia
    6. Putin and the Ukraine
    7. Seizure of the Crimea
  • David Cameron and 21st c Britain
    1. Britain at the turn of the Millennium
    2. Gordon Brown and 2010 Election
    3. Nick Clegg and the Lib-Dems
    4. Scottish Devolution 2014
    5. Iraq and Afghanistan Wars
    6. The Conservative Party in 2016
  • European Migrant Crisis and the Eclipse of Europe
    1. Arab Spring 2011
    2. The Syrian Civil War
    3. The Rise of ISIS
    4. The Refugee Crisis: Turkey
    5. The Migrant Crisis: Spain
    6. The Migrant Crisis: Italy
    7. The Migrant Crisis: Greece
    8. The Migrant Crisis: Germany
    9. Pegida, Le Pen, and the Swing to the Right
    10. The Paris and Brussels Bombings