Quarter 3 Topics
- The British Industrial Revolution
- Enclosures and Agrarian Reform
- Pre-conditions for Industrialism
- Industrial Location and Power
- The Factory System
- Statistics of Industrialization
- British Reform Acts and Chartism
- The Sadler Commission, 1832
- Great Reform Act 1832
- Chartism – People’s Charter, 1838-58
- The Genius of British Reforms
- The Springtime of Nations – 1848
- Age of Metternich: Prior Movements’ Failures
- Causes of The Revolutions of 1848
- “When France sneezes, Europe catches cold”
- Wide-spread Continental Revolution
- “The turning point that failed to turn”
- Impact upon France
- German Experience
- Mazzini and “Young Italy”
- Karl Marx and 19th c Socialist Thought
- The Proletariat – Urban Working Poor
- Precursors to Marx
- Marx, Engels, and the Manifesto
- Italian Nationalism, 1830-1922
- Carbonari Movement
- Mazzini, Garibaldi, and Cavour
- Napoleon III and Unification
- Liberal Democratic Parliamentarian Italy
- Why Mussolini and Fascism?
- German Nationalism, 1848-1914
- Revolutions of 1848
- Hegel and Romanticism
- Rise of Otto von Bismarck
- The Prussiafication of Germany
- Wilhelminian Germany
- Social Democrats – war – Weimar
- Why Hitler and Nazis?
- The Concert of Europe, 1814-1914
- The Congress System
- Balance of Power
- Alliances and Diplomacy
- The Long 19th Century
- The British Empire, 1714-1914
- Exploitation of Utrecht Windfall
- Exploitation of Asiento
- The Drugs War
- The Sub-Continent – India
- Imperial Commerce
- Containing the Bear
- London Straights Convention, 1841
- Crimean War
- Anglo-Afghan Wars
- Egypt, Suez, and Boers
- Mobilizing Colonial Forces for War
- 18th and 19th century Ireland
- Cromwell in Ireland
- Protestant Ireland
- Beyond the Pale
- The Potato Famine
- Irish Diaspora
- 19th Russo-Turkish Wars
- Russian Expansionism
- Warm Water Port Theory
- Greek Independence
- The Crimean War
- Victorian Britain, 1837-1901
- Ascendancy of Victoria
- Victorian Family Values
- Beeton’s Book of Household Management
- Victorian London
- The Asiatic Cholera Epidemic
- The Great Exhibition
- Class and Deference
- Great Victorians
- 1862 and Limited Liability
- Napoleon III and Modern Paris
- Paris 1848
- Louis Philippe’s abdication
- President Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
- 1851 Coup d’etat and Emperor Napoleon III
- Haussmann and Paris
- Social Policy and Reform
- Foreign Affairs, 1851-1871
- Captivity, Exile, and Death
- Mass Society and the death of the Enlightenment
- The Notion of Progress
- Alexis de Tocqueville ‘body politic”
- Emile Durkheim “atomistic individuals”
- Marx and Frankfurt school “alienation”
- Jose Ortega y Gasset “cultural decline”
- Angst of a Mass Society
- Communist International
- Anarchists
- Assassinations
- Women’s Suffrage Movement
- Legacy of Olympe de Gouges and Wollstonecraft
- Engels, John Stuart Mill, and Chartism
- The “Women Question”
- Socialism, Communism, and Women
- The Franco-Prussian War and Paris Communard
- The Siege of Paris
- The Communard
- The Aftermath
- The Sick Man of Europe
- London Straights Convention, 1841
- The Crimean War
- Pan-Slavism
- Balkan Wars and Ottomans
- Balkan Nationalism – The “Powder Keg”
- Serbian Nationalism
- Balkan Wars 1908-1913
- The Bismarckian Alliance System
- Congress of Berlin
- Reinsurance Treaty
- Dismissal of Bismarck
- Tsarist Russia, 1855-1917
- 19th century Russia
- Alexander I, Alexander II, Alexander III
- Nicholas II and 1905
- Nicolas and Reform
- Nicholas, War, Revolution, and Abdication
- The fin de siècle
- Modernity
- Social Reform
- Art, Architecture, and Leisure
- Science and Engineering
- Philosophy and Literature
- Ennui, Cynicism, Pessimism and Decadence
- The Rise of Fascism
- German Social Democrats and Move toward war
- German Imperial Government
- Political pluralism, voting and rights
- The “Women Question” in Germany
- Increasing popularity of the SDP
- The Decision to Go To War and the SDP
- Militarism, War Plans, and the Arms Race
- Prussian Military Reform and Unification
- Alliances and War Plans
- Mobilization Timetables
- “A Place in the Sun”
- Dreadnaughts
- Vienna 1913
- Freud, Hitler, Trotsky, Tito and Stalin
- Peace and prosperity
- Events in Sarajevo, June 1914
- Annexation of Bosnia
- Military Maneuvers
- Serbian National Day
- The Black Hand and wrong turns
- The Reaction
- The Ultimatum
- The Blank Check
- Russian Mobilization
- The Schlieffen Plan
- The Catharsis
- Britain, Belgium and the Great War
- 1839 Treaty
- Belgian Independence and Neutrality
- Atrocities, Propaganda, and Lord Grey
- The B.E.F.
- Naval Issues
- The Great War, 1914-1918
- Race to the Sea
- Stalemate
- Gallipoli
- Verdun
- The Somme
- Palestine and Lawrence of Arabia
- Eastern Front
- Ludendorff Offensive
- American Intervention
- The Experience of Trench Warfare
- Weapons and Tactics
- Gas, Gas, Gas
- Chateau Generals
- War Poets
- War Art
- Casualties of War
- Russia in Revolution, 1905-1924
- Impact of War on Russia
- Failures of the Tsarist Regime
- Opposition to the Tsarist Regime
- 1905 Revolution
- Causes of the March 1917 Revolution
- The Provisional Government
- Lenin and the October Revolution
- The Soviet Utopia
- The Specter of Bolshevism
- The Debacle of the Paris Peace Conference
- The Situation in 1918
- The Armistice – “Uneasy Truce”
- A Failure of Diplomacy
- The Problem with Wilson’s 14 Points
- The Big Four
- The Sykes-Picot Agreement
- The “Peace” Process – Germany
- The Fall of Eagles
- The War to End All Wars
- How the Peace Conference altered the 20th century
- The Hope of the League of Nations
- The Spanish Influenza
- Causes and Spread of Influenza
- Casualties
- Recovery and Impact
- European Demographic and Gender Crises
- The Lost Generation
- Women’s Role before, during, and after the war
- A Land Fit for Heroes
- Votes for Women
- Gender Crises: Britain, France, Italy, and Germany
- The Soviet Model of Gender Equality
- Europe in Revolution
- Socialist Uprisings
- Returning Veterans
- The Spartacist Revolt
- Bavarian Socialist Republic
- Italy in Turmoil
- Russian Civil War
- Pilsudski in Poland
- The Irish Republic
- Early 20th c Irish-Anglo Relations
- Sinn Fein
- The December 1918 Elections
- The Black and Tan War
- Bloody Sunday, 21 Nov 1920
- Irish Independence
- The Soviet Utopia
- Re-Engineering Society
- Vanguard of the Revolution
- Change and Continuity
- E.P. and Kulaks
- Kollontai and Gender
- The New Soviet Man
- The Genesis of Fascism
- Futurism and Fascism
- French Origins – Italian Application
- D’Annunzio, Fiume, and Fascism
- The Advent of Benito Mussolini
- Fasci Italiani di Combattimento
- The March on Rome
- The Fascists International
- Matteotti Incident
- Ascerbo Law and Dictatorship
- Autarky and Mussolini’s Battles
- Other Native Fascist Parties in Europe
- Benito Mussolini and the League of Nations
- Italian Irredentism
- Mare Nostrum
- Corfu Incident
- The Locarno Initiative
- Meddling in the Balkans
- The Stresa Front
- Colonial Ambitions – Abyssinia
- Weimar Germany, 1918-1933
- The Victory of the SDP
- Challenges to Early Weimar
- The Munich Putsch
- Weimar Republic Saved
- Weimar Culture
- Gustav Stresemann
- Weimar Elections
- President Hindenburg
- The Depression and Extremism
- National Socialism and Adolf Hitler
- Anton Drexler and National Socialism
- Hitler, the SA, and the Nazi Party
- Putsch and Imprisonment
- The Wilderness Years
- Hitler’s “Legal” Bid for Power
- Electoral Year of 1932
- Hindenburg’s Misjudgment
- The Reichstag Fire and the Enabling Act
- Conscription and the Nuremburg Laws
- Fascist Youth & Young Pioneers
- The Boy Scouts and Concentration Camps– Sir Baden Powell
- Demographic Crisis of Post-War Europe
- Opera Nazionale Balilla (ONB)
- Soviet Young Pioneers
- The Hitler Youth
- League of German Maidens
- Fascism and the Youth in 1930s
- France in turmoil, 1917-1940
- Mutiny at Verdun
- Post-War France – state of the Third Republic
- French Search for Security
- French Fascists
- French Communists
- The Popular Front
- Maginot Mentality
- Paralysis
- Collapse
- The Spanish Civil War, 1936-39
- Franco, Falange, and Spanish Fascism
- Republican Forces and Stalin
- Mussolini and Hitler Intervene
- Picasso and Guernica
- A Dress Rehearsal for War
- Mein Kampf and Hitler’s Foreign Policy
- Hitler’s Revisionism
- German Irredentism
- Racial Theory and Hitler’s Foreign Policy
- Blitzkrieg and the Short-War Theory
- Gold Reserves and Foreign Policy
- The Rhineland
- The Anschluss
- The Sudetenland Crisis
- The Nazi-Soviet Pact
- Poland and War
- European Anti-Semitism: France
- Overview of French Jewry to 19th c
- The Dreyfus Affair
- Emile Zola
- Vichy France and Holocaust
- European Anti-Semitism: Germany
- The Kaisers and the Jews
- Regional Views on Jews before the War
- The War, Revolution, and Anti-Semitism
- Hitler’s Anti-Semitism
- Weimar Anti-Semitism
- Emigration
- The Nuremburg Laws
- Kristalnacht
- The Final Solution
- Revisionism and Irredentism and War
- Revision of the Paris Peace
- Self-determination and Appeasement
- Autarky, Five Year Plans, Protectionism, Depression
- Resources and Aggressive Nationalism
- Stalinist Russia – 1930s
- Cult of Lenin
- Stalin as Party Leader
- Trotsky Marginalized
- Kulaks and Collectivization
- Five Year Plans and Modernization
- Stalin’s Soviet Utopia
- Stalin and the LON
- Comintern to Cominform
- Stalin’s Purges
- The Gulag
- Grand Strategy of the Second Thirty Years’ War
- British Grand Strategy: Chamberlain and Churchill
- German Grand Strategy: Wilhelm, Weimar and Hitler
- Soviet Grand Strategy: Lenin and Stalin
- French Grand Strategy
- Hitler’s War 1936-1945
- The Hossbach Memorandum
- Mobilization of German Industry
- Short War vs Long-War Theories
- The Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe
- The Administration of Lebensraum
- The Problem of the Pact of Steel
- Operation Sea Lion
- Operation Barbarossa
- Stalingrad and Soviet Counteroffensive
- Two-Front Wars
- Hitler as General
- Collapse
- The British War Experience, 1939-45
- Appeasement and War Avoidance
- Sitzkreig and Dunkirk
- Loss of Singapore
- Burma
- Churchill as War Leader
- Battle of Britain
- The Home Front
- El Alamein and Monty
- Enigma and Ultra
- The British War in Asia
- The Normandy Campaign
- Operation Market-Garden
- The Great Patriotic War
- Nazi-Soviet Pact and War Preparations
- Barbarossa and Strategic Paralysis
- Leningrad, Moscow, and Stalingrad
- Stalin as War Leader
- Kursk, Zhukov, and Berlin
- The Red Army in Germany
- Soviet Strategic Posture at Potsdam
- The Atlantic Charter and the End of Empire
- Dominion Status and Home Rule
- The Atlantic Charter and Empire
- Churchill Managing the Empire
- Labour Party, Atlee, and India
- Britain’s Retreat From Empire
- Cold War Exceptions: The Malaysian Conflict
- The British Commonwealth
- Immigration to Britain
- Wartime Conferences -Yalta and Potsdam
- Cairo, Tehran, Moscow and the Big Three
- Bretton Woods and the Cold War
- Learning from History: Yalta
- Truman, the Bomb, and Potsdam
- Soviet Domination of E. Europe
- The Baltic States and Finland
- The “Liberation” of Poland
- Occupation of Germany
- Berlin Crises, 1948-1961
- Hungary and Czechoslovakia
- Fulda Gap and the Warsaw Pact