
NAPOLEON on the benefits of SQ3R, Annotation, and Cornell Notes:

“Napoleon’s omnivorous reading, of his habit of constantly making notes in the shape of quotations from the critical remarks concerning what he read. A large number of these notes are given and then the author says one is struck by the fact that Napoleon, like all other great geniuses, obeyed that law that nothing great can be accomplished without great effort. In his deep and persistent study, Napoleon as a boy and youth laid the foundation of genius yet to develop, but this did not show how that genius was formed.”
– In the Revue de Deux Mondes 1 March 1842

“A general never knows anything with certainty, never sees his enemy clearly and never knows positively where he is. When armies meet, the least accident of the terrain, the smallest wood, hides a portion of the army. The most experienced eye cannot state whether he sees the entire enemy army or only three quarters of it. It is by the eyes of the mind, by reasoning over the whole, by a species of inspiration that the general sees, knows and judges.”
– Napoleon Bonaparte – Military Maxims