How to answer paragraph response questions


While technically a short answer, the paragraph response would be expected for a question worth anywhere from 6-10 points/marks. Paragraph response questions are expected for ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions whereby you will be expected to not only deploy facts, but analyze these in terms of a particular process or to explain causation. Since a paragraph is really a mini-essay, you should structure your answer as such. After you have deconstructed the prompt you will have provided the basic outline for your paragraph response. Knowing the given factor and the time period allows you to select specifically the most salient evidence to address. Understanding the instruction (command words or question stem) and the focus allows you to know how to answer as well as what to emphasize. The first sentence is both an introduction as well as present the thesis for your response. The following lines will introduce evidence that is both important and relevant to the given factor and the time period. Deploy the evidence in sequential order ensuring that you have thoroughly and relevantly discussed its importance in relation to the question as well as in support of your thesis. End the paragraph with a summary sentence that encapsulates the consequences as well as projects a sense of judgment.