AP EURO Quarter One

Quarter 1 Topics

  • Post-Plague Europe: Legacy of the Great Chain of Being
    1. The Great Chain of Being
      1. Medieval World View
      2. Medieval Mind
  • The Medieval Village (Manorialism)
  1. Feudalism
  2. Guild System (Urban Economy)
  3. Usury
  1. Impact of the Great Pestilence
    1. Demographics
    2. Peasantry
  • Monarchy & Nobility
  1. Church
  2. Monasticism
  3. Economy
  • War of the Roses and the Winter King
    1. C3 War of the Roses
      1. Causes of Civil War
      2. Nature of War – Bosworth Field
  • Victory and Consolidation
  1. Authority-Legitimacy-Power – Tudor Legitimacy
  2. Henry Tudor as “New Monarch”
    1. Definition of New Monarchy
    2. Castile and Aragon Monarchy
  • Henry Tudor Policies
  • Fall of Constantinople: The Atlantic Shift
    1. Venetian Arsenal
    2. Gunpowder – Chemical Revolution
    3. Rise of the Ottoman Turks
    4. Decline and Fall of Byzantium
    5. Greek Refugees and Humanism
    6. Reconquista in Spain
    7. Age of Exploration
    8. Shift toward the Atlantic
      1. Baltic Trade
      2. Mediterranean Trade
  • Overland Trade
  • The Prophesies of Girolamo Savonarola
    1. Puritanical Preaching
    2. A New Cyrus – Charles VIII
    3. Expulsion of the Medici
    4. “New Jerusalem” – a Popular Republic
    5. Bonfire of Vanities
    6. Excommunication and Execution
  • The Italian Wars, 1494-98
    1. Charles VIII – House of Valois
    2. The Italian City-States
    3. Max Boot – RMA – Invasion
    4. Habsburg and Valois battle for Italy
  • The “Myth” of an Italian Renaissance
    1. Italian Patents
      1. Republic of Venice
        1. 1450 spread of patent
      2. Republic of Florence
        1. Brunelleschi
      3. Civil Humanism – Medici
      4. Artistic Innovations
        1. Antecedents
        2. Techniques
  • Artists and Works
  1. Vasari and Burckhardt
  2. Patronage and Exposure
    1. Medici
    2. Roman Church
  • Niccolo Machiavelli and Republicanism
    1. Machiavelli’s Florence
    2. The Prince
    3. Discourses of Livy and The Art of War
    4. Machiavelli as a Civic Humanist
  • Humanism and the Northern Renaissance
    1. North vs South
    2. Printing Press and Woodcuts
    3. Northern Renaissance Artists
    4. Northern Humanism: Erasmus and the Church
  • European Courtly Life vs Country Life vs Camp Life
    1. The “New Monarchies”
    2. Castiglione and Book of the Courtier, 1528
    3. Courts of Milan, Florence, and Naples
    4. The Papal Court
    5. Condottieri and Mercenaries
    6. The Country Life of Bruegel
  • The Malthusian Economy
    1. Malthusian Interpretation of History
    2. A Farewell to Alms
    3. Demographics
    4. Social Economy
    5. Disease
  • Pre-Reformation Europe and Martin Luther
    1. The Institution of the German Church
    2. Rome and the Supreme Pontiff
    3. Scholasticism and Universities
    4. Luther and the Indulgence Crisis
    5. Luther and the Diet of Worms
    6. Luther the Unintended Revolutionary
    7. Lutheranism c. 1530
  • Charles V and the bid for Habsburg Supremacy
    1. Italian Wars
    2. Wars against the Turks
    3. The Holy Roman Empire
    4. The divisive Lutheran Revolt
  • Wars of Religion, 1521-1555
    1. Wars of the Schmalkaldic League
    2. The Peace of Augsburg
    3. The Abdication of Charles V
  • The Council of Trent
    1. Paul III
    2. Ignatius Loyola –Jesuits
    3. Catholic Consolidation and Resurgence
    4. Art of Caravaggio
  • Zwingli and Calvin
    1. Zwingli and Luther, 1530
    2. Calvin and the Institutes of the Christian Religion
    3. Calvinist Principles: TULIP
    4. Spread of Calvinism
      1. Geneva
      2. Huguenot
  • Presbyterianism
  • Henrician England and Parliamentarian Reformation
    1. The Church IN England
    2. Henry VIII and the Succession Crisis
    3. Tudor Foreign Policy
    4. The Henrician Reformation
    5. The Church OF England
    6. Edward VI and Mary Tudor
    7. Scotland under Knox
  • Philip II, Armadas, and Bankruptcy
    1. Habsburg Spain
    2. Ascendancy of Philip II
    3. Philip’s Crusade
    4. Philip’s Financial Failures
    5. Philip III and Philip IV
  • The Genius of the Dutch
    1. Geography and Background
    2. Cosmopolitan Entrepot: Amsterdam and Rotterdam
    3. Dutch War of Independence
    4. Dutch Seaborne Empire
    5. Dutch Influence Upon England
  • Glorianna – The Reign of Elizabeth I
    1. The Elizabethan Settlement
    2. The Virgin Queen
    3. Mary Queen of Scots
    4. Plots
      1. Northern Rising (1569)
      2. Excommunication (1570)
  • Ridolfi Plot (1571)
  1. Throckmorton Plot (1583)
  2. Babington Plot (1586)
  3. Lopez Plot (1594)
  • London Riots (1595)
  1. Armada Year 1588
  2. Portraiture and Propaganda
  • Shakespeare and Elizabethan London
    1. Shakespeare and the Globe Theater
    2. Playwrights, Literature, and Literacy
    3. Contribution to the English Language
    4. Elizabethan – Urbanized London