Quarter 1 Topics
- Post-Plague Europe: Legacy of the Great Chain of Being
- The Great Chain of Being
- Medieval World View
- Medieval Mind
- The Great Chain of Being
- The Medieval Village (Manorialism)
- Feudalism
- Guild System (Urban Economy)
- Usury
- Impact of the Great Pestilence
- Demographics
- Peasantry
- Monarchy & Nobility
- Church
- Monasticism
- Economy
- War of the Roses and the Winter King
- C3 War of the Roses
- Causes of Civil War
- Nature of War – Bosworth Field
- C3 War of the Roses
- Victory and Consolidation
- Authority-Legitimacy-Power – Tudor Legitimacy
- Henry Tudor as “New Monarch”
- Definition of New Monarchy
- Castile and Aragon Monarchy
- Henry Tudor Policies
- Fall of Constantinople: The Atlantic Shift
- Venetian Arsenal
- Gunpowder – Chemical Revolution
- Rise of the Ottoman Turks
- Decline and Fall of Byzantium
- Greek Refugees and Humanism
- Reconquista in Spain
- Age of Exploration
- Shift toward the Atlantic
- Baltic Trade
- Mediterranean Trade
- Overland Trade
- The Prophesies of Girolamo Savonarola
- Puritanical Preaching
- A New Cyrus – Charles VIII
- Expulsion of the Medici
- “New Jerusalem” – a Popular Republic
- Bonfire of Vanities
- Excommunication and Execution
- The Italian Wars, 1494-98
- Charles VIII – House of Valois
- The Italian City-States
- Max Boot – RMA – Invasion
- Habsburg and Valois battle for Italy
- The “Myth” of an Italian Renaissance
- Italian Patents
- Republic of Venice
- 1450 spread of patent
- Republic of Florence
- Brunelleschi
- Civil Humanism – Medici
- Artistic Innovations
- Antecedents
- Techniques
- Republic of Venice
- Italian Patents
- Artists and Works
- Vasari and Burckhardt
- Patronage and Exposure
- Medici
- Roman Church
- Niccolo Machiavelli and Republicanism
- Machiavelli’s Florence
- The Prince
- Discourses of Livy and The Art of War
- Machiavelli as a Civic Humanist
- Humanism and the Northern Renaissance
- North vs South
- Printing Press and Woodcuts
- Northern Renaissance Artists
- Northern Humanism: Erasmus and the Church
- European Courtly Life vs Country Life vs Camp Life
- The “New Monarchies”
- Castiglione and Book of the Courtier, 1528
- Courts of Milan, Florence, and Naples
- The Papal Court
- Condottieri and Mercenaries
- The Country Life of Bruegel
- The Malthusian Economy
- Malthusian Interpretation of History
- A Farewell to Alms
- Demographics
- Social Economy
- Disease
- Pre-Reformation Europe and Martin Luther
- The Institution of the German Church
- Rome and the Supreme Pontiff
- Scholasticism and Universities
- Luther and the Indulgence Crisis
- Luther and the Diet of Worms
- Luther the Unintended Revolutionary
- Lutheranism c. 1530
- Charles V and the bid for Habsburg Supremacy
- Italian Wars
- Wars against the Turks
- The Holy Roman Empire
- The divisive Lutheran Revolt
- Wars of Religion, 1521-1555
- Wars of the Schmalkaldic League
- The Peace of Augsburg
- The Abdication of Charles V
- The Council of Trent
- Paul III
- Ignatius Loyola –Jesuits
- Catholic Consolidation and Resurgence
- Art of Caravaggio
- Zwingli and Calvin
- Zwingli and Luther, 1530
- Calvin and the Institutes of the Christian Religion
- Calvinist Principles: TULIP
- Spread of Calvinism
- Geneva
- Huguenot
- Presbyterianism
- Henrician England and Parliamentarian Reformation
- The Church IN England
- Henry VIII and the Succession Crisis
- Tudor Foreign Policy
- The Henrician Reformation
- The Church OF England
- Edward VI and Mary Tudor
- Scotland under Knox
- Philip II, Armadas, and Bankruptcy
- Habsburg Spain
- Ascendancy of Philip II
- Philip’s Crusade
- Philip’s Financial Failures
- Philip III and Philip IV
- The Genius of the Dutch
- Geography and Background
- Cosmopolitan Entrepot: Amsterdam and Rotterdam
- Dutch War of Independence
- Dutch Seaborne Empire
- Dutch Influence Upon England
- Glorianna – The Reign of Elizabeth I
- The Elizabethan Settlement
- The Virgin Queen
- Mary Queen of Scots
- Plots
- Northern Rising (1569)
- Excommunication (1570)
- Ridolfi Plot (1571)
- Throckmorton Plot (1583)
- Babington Plot (1586)
- Lopez Plot (1594)
- London Riots (1595)
- Armada Year 1588
- Portraiture and Propaganda
- Shakespeare and Elizabethan London
- Shakespeare and the Globe Theater
- Playwrights, Literature, and Literacy
- Contribution to the English Language
- Elizabethan – Urbanized London