Sebben Crudele:
Also, this website has accompaniment tracks to practice along with:
Here is a practice of just the vocal line being played down tempo:
And here is someone else singing it – just in case!!



District 3 Honors Festival

When: Fri. January 24th & Sat. January 25th 2020

Where: Cony High School – Augusta, ME

What: This is a two-day festival for students in grades 9-12. Students attending this festival have been through the audition process and have earned their places in the Honors Band, SATB Chorus, or Treble Choir. The festival is run on a consecutive Friday and Saturday, with a concert on Saturday afternoon.

District 3 Auditions

When: Monday, October 21ST

Where: Cony High School

Choral Audition Materials:

  1. Prepared Solo – Sebben Crudele
  • Learn the Soprano/Tenor (High) or Alto/Bass (Low) Version
  • Sing along with the accompaniment track
  1. Scale Singing –
  • Soprano/Tenor in F Major, Alto/Bass in Bb Major
  • Sing the ascending and descending scale on solfege syllables
  • The student will hear the I-IV-V-I chords followed by the tonic/octave starting note to provide tonality
  1. Sight Singing –
  • Soprano/Tenor in F Major, Alto/Bass in Bb Major
  • The examples will only use Do, Re, Mi, Fa & Sol
  • The examples will only be step-wise
  • The examples will be 4 measures in length
  • Any combination of whole, half, quarter and eighth notes (no more than two eighth notes in a row)
  • The examples will both start and end on Do
  • The student will hear the I-IV-V-I chords followed by the tonic/octave starting note to provide tonality (Students may request the starting note to be played more than once)
  • Go to for help with preparation




Jazz All State Honors Festival

When: Thurs. January 2nd  – Sat. January 4th 2020

Where: Bangor High School– Bangor, ME

What: This is a three-day festival for students in grades 9-12. Students attending this festival have been through the audition process and have earned their places in the Honors Bands, SATB Chorus, or Treble Choir, representing the top jazz musicians in the state of Maine. The festival is run on a consecutive Thursday – Saturday, with a concert on Saturday afternoon.

Jazz All State Auditions

When: Friday, October 11th, 2019

Where: The University of Maine @ Augusta

Choral Audition Materials:

  1. Prepared Solo – Ballad – Our Love Is Here To Stay
  • Learn the Soprano/Tenor (High) or Alto/Bass (Low) Version
  • Sing along with the accompaniment track
  1. Choral Assessment – Vocal Etude– Sweet Georgia
  • Learn your part and sing it in with the other parts on the recording
  1. Scat Singing –
  • All students are required to scat for 32 measures – the entirety of the vocal etude




All State Honors Festival

When: Thurs. May 14th – Sat. May 16th 2020

Where: University of Maine – Orono, ME

What: This is a three-day festival for students in grades 9-12. Students attending this festival have been through the audition process and have earned their places in the Honors Band, Orchestra, SATB Chorus, or Treble Choir, representing the top musicians in the state of Maine. The festival is run on a consecutive Thursday – Saturday, with a concert on Saturday afternoon.

All State Auditions

When: Saturday, November 16th, 2019

Where: Lawrence High School

Choral Audition Materials:

  1. Prepared Solo – Sebben Crudele
  • Learn the Soprano/Tenor (High) or Alto/Bass (Low) Version
  • Sing along with the accompaniment track
  1. Choral Assessment – Those Sweet, Delightful Lillies
  • Learn your part and sing it in with the other parts on the recording
  1. Scale Singing –
  • Soprano/Tenor in F Major, Alto/Bass in Bb Major
  • Sing the ascending and descending scale on solfege syllables
  • The student will hear the I-IV-V-I chords followed by the tonic/octave starting note to provide tonality
  1. Sight Singing –
  • Soprano/Tenor in F Major, Alto/Bass in Bb Major
  • The examples may use all scale syllables
  • All examples will start on either the lower or upper tonic (Do)
  • The examples will be 8 measures in length
  • The examples will be in A-B-A-C form (measures 1&2 will be the same as measures 5&6)
  • Any combination of whole, dotted half, half, quarter, dotted quarter and eighth notes may be used
  • The student will hear the I-IV-V-I chords followed by the tonic/octave starting note to provide tonality (Students may request the starting note to be played more than once)
  • Go to for help with preparation