December 11 – Day 3

6 3/4
1.  Review rubric for Architecture Kaleidoscope
2.  Color in all four drawings – neatness counts, use different colors to emphasize details, color each drawing the same

1.  Missing printmaking rubrics?
2.  Practice posing your armature – we need models for action poses!
3.  Add volume with aluminum foil – maintain correct proportions!

1.  Finish making armatures – 5 pieces of wire 13 inches long each, bend each in half, attach with twisting and tape.
2.  Practice posing your armature – we need models for action poses!
3.  If time: add volume with aluminum foil – maintain correct proportions!


8-6  This project is DUE Thursday, December 17
1. Continue with whatever step of the process you are on:

  1. Transfer logo design onto linoleum
  2. Carve your design
  3. Cut linoleum into puzzle pieces
  4. Print artist’s proofs – black ink on white paper only, proofread your carving, practice until you can consistently print high quality prints – SAVE YOUR BEST ARTIST’S PROOF (you will need to turn it in at the end of the project)
  5. Print multi-color prints.  You will need 4 high quality prints for this project.
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