December 10 – Day 2

6 1/2
1.  Top priority – finish drawing symmetrical building.  Remember to include at least 3 architectural details from the glossary.
2.  Color in your photocopied buildings, using different colors to emphasize details, and paying attention to neatness.  Color each one the same.

1.  Demo building an armature:

  1. Cut 5 pieces of wire 13 inches long.
  2. Fold each piece of wire in half.
  3. Twist the folded top of one for the head.
  4. Twist and tape on each arm and leg, overlapping the torso by about 3/4″
  5. Bend to make joints at the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles.

2.  Make your armature

1.  Finish mounting prints, fill out rubric, turn everything in (unless it has wet glue on it – in that case put it in the drying rack.)
2. Demo building an armature:

  1. Cut 5 pieces of wire 13 inches long.
  2. Fold each piece of wire in half.
  3. Twist the folded top of one for the head.
  4. Twist and tape on each arm and leg, overlapping the torso by about 3/4″
  5. Bend to make joints at the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles.

8-6  This project is DUE Wednesday, December 16
1. Continue with whatever step of the process you are on:

  1. Transfer logo design onto linoleum
  2. Carve your design
  3. Cut linoleum into puzzle pieces
  4. Print artist’s proofs – black ink on white paper only, proofread your carving, practice until you can consistently print high quality prints – SAVE YOUR BEST ARTIST’S PROOF (you will need to turn it in at the end of the project)
  5. Print multi-color prints.  You will need 4 high quality prints for this project.
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