November 5 – Day 1

Ms. Bucknam has laryngitis still…teaching is interesting when you can’t talk!

6 1/2
1.  Intro to Pop-up Paper Landscapes – how do artists show depth in a work of art?
2.  Begin Creating Depth worksheet

1.  Continue final draft of 1 Point Perspective drawings: pencil, then skinny black drawing pen, then color.  Neatness and accuracy counts!

1.  Ms. Bucknam cannot talk enough to teach the next drawing technique, so students will complete Texture & Shading worksheet #2: adding texture and shading to a contour drawing to give it the illusion of 3-dimensionality.  Turn in by the end of class.

1.  Ms. Bucknam cannot talk enough to teach the next drawing technique, so students will complete Texture & Shading worksheet #2: adding texture and shading to a contour drawing to give it the illusion of 3-dimensionality.  Turn in by the end of class.

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