Vocabulary 4 Review

1.  aberration (n)- a departure from what is normal
2.  beset (v)- to attack on all sides
3. cudgel (n)- a short stick or club used as a weapon
4.  feint (n)- a deceptive move
5.  grenadier (n)- a soldier of great stature
6.  hirsute (adj)- covered by hair
7.  juxtapose (v)- to place or position together
8. mendicant (n)- a beggar
9. onerous (adj)- burdensome or troublesome
10. quay (n)- a wharf; a place to tie up a boat
11. rankle (v)- to cause persistent feelings of bitterness and anger
12. turgid (adj)- swollen
13. wane (v)- to gradually decrease
14. witticism (n)- a witty or clever remark
15. zephyr (n)- a soft gentle ocean breeze

beset- (v)  to attack on all sides

cudgel- (n) a short thick stick used as a club

grenadier- (n)  a member of a regiment composed of men of great stature

hirsute- (adj)  having a hairy covering

mendicant- (n)  a beggar

quay- (n) a wharf; a place to tie up a boat

witticism- (n)  a witty saying

The following analogies use the vocabulary terms to complete the comparisons.  Check your selections with the answers that are included in the end of this site.

1.  wind  :  hurricane  ::  cavalry  :  (A) hirsute    (B) grenadier    (C) feint    (D) zephyr
2.  nut  :  shell  ::  peach  :  (A) hirsute    (B) lascivious    (C) juxtapose    (D) mendicant
3.  wealth  :  millionaire  ::  poverty  :  (A) cudgel    (B) sirocco    (C) wane    (D) mendicant
4.  water  :  puddle  ::  wind  :  (A) turgid    (B) beset    (C) zephyr    (D) sirocco
5. cold  :  hot  ::  deadpan  :  (A) witticism    (B) rankle    (C) quay    (D) feint
6.  seed  :  plant  ::  itch  :  (A) antilogy    (B) beset    (C) rankle    (D) onerous
7.  above  :  high  ::  trick  :  (A) lascivious    (B) feint    (C) rankle    (D) parricide
8. balloon  :  inflate  ::  scratch  :  (A) turgid    (B) beset    (C) aberration    (D) juxtapose
9. up  :  down  ::  predictable  :  (A) onerous    (B) quay    (C) sirocco    (D) aberration
10. north  :  south  ::  increase  :  (A) wane    (B) antilogy    (C) elucidate    (D) parricide
11. car  :  garage  ::  boat  :  (A) onerous    (B) antilogy    (C) quay    (C) cudgel
12. prayer  :  relief  ::  lie  :  (A) turgid    (B) mendicant    (C) onerous    (D) rankle
13. lose  :  win  ::  retreat  :  (A) beset    (B) wane    (C) lascivious    (D) quay
14. country  :  city  ::  spread  :  (A) juxtapose    (B) elucidate    (C) cudgel    (D) aberration
15. archer  :  bow  ::  cavemen  :  (A) grenadier    (B) cudgel    (C) mendicant    (D) quay

1.  (B) grenadier
2.  (A) hirsute
3.  (D) mendicant
4.  (C) zephyr
5.  (A) witticism
6.  (C) rankle
7.  (B) feint
8.  (A) turgid
9. (D) aberration
10. (A) wane
11. (C) quay
12. (C) onerous
13. (A) beset
14. (A) juxtapose
15. (B) cudgel

You will have a vocabulary test next class.  The format of the vocabulary test appears on the following link if you prefer to be more familiar with the emphasis of the test.  The test is designed to emphasize usage in order that your recall of the words will be more than just a fleeing memory:  Sample Vocabulary Test