English Name: _________________
Sample Vocabulary Test
Place the letter that is assigned to the vocabulary term with its definition.
_____1. dazzling; impressive appearance A. parsimony
_____2. to express disagreement or disapproval B. baleful
_____3. the frivolous or idle wasting of time C. sequester
_____4. somebody who has developed a refined taste for food D. affable
_____5. to put somebody in an isolated or lonely place E. decussate
_____6. not easily persuaded or influenced F. bilious
_____7. threatening G. lassitude
_____8. transparent H. carrion
_____9. aggressively defiant I. truculent
_____10. faithless; disloyal J. quintessence
_____11. good-natured; friendly K. obdurate
_____12. excessively or pointlessly talking L. diaphanous
_____13. friendliness and peaceful relations M. conflagration
_____14. a state of weariness N. perfidious
_____15extremely unpleasant to look at O. amity
_____16. dead, rotting flesh of an animal P. raillery
_____17. unwillingness to spend money Q. garrulous
_____18. a large, raging fire R. dalliance
_____19. the purest or most perfect example of something S. resplendent
_____20. having the shape of the cross T. expostulate
_____21. friendly ridiculing of someone or some thing U. epicure
Complete the following analogies using the letter assigned to the word selection in PART I that best completes each analogy; an answer may only be used once.
_____22. kind : nice :: despair : _?_
_____23. good : evil :: charitable : _?_
_____24. happy : Lachrymose :: dull : _?_
_____25. germ : infection :: carcass : _?_
_____26. unusual : ordinary :: helpful : _?_
_____27. assault : depredation :: useless : _?_
_____28. a judge : sagacious :: a rebel : _?_
_____29. lachrymose : lugubrious :: inferno : _?_
_____30. compliment : praise :: teasing : _?_
_____31. thick : peanut butter :: window : _?_
Identify, by placing A for adjective, N for noun, or V for verb, each of the following terms’ part of speech
_____32. affable _____37. depredation
_____33. truculent _____38. lassitude
_____34. abstemious _____39. amity
_____35. sagacious _____40. quintessence
_____36. diaphanous _____41. carrion l
Place a T for true or F for false in the corresponding space to determine whether each term is correctly used in the following sentences.
_____42. Charlie expostulates Lauren every time she states her opinion.
_____43. Brendan will go out and harrow the field after he goes for a swim.
_____44. Give Jacob some tissues when I sequester him.
_____45. Zach gave the girl an efficacious gift.
_____46. Because of his abstemious manner Patrick will stay fit.
_____47. Sam’s raillery with his friends may one day be taken as an insult.
_____48. Ryan is quite affable once you understand him.
_____49. One day Chris will become a connoisseur because of his epicure.
_____50. All of the young men in class feel that they are the quintessence of mankind while the girls secretly share the understanding that they are collectively bilious.