Performance Indicators:
P.S. ELA-1 Language: Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. A. Notice and correct grammatical and mechanical errors in writing. |
The vocabulary word, its definition, and part of speech follows a related picture included to help you associate the vocabulary term’s meaning.
1. Aberration- (n) departure from the normal
2. Anachronism- (n) a person or thing that is chronologically out of place
3. Bravado- (n) the quality or state of being foolishly reckless or adventurous
4. Congenital- (adj) existing since birth; being such by nature
5. Didactic- (adj) intended to teach or instruct
6. Empirical- (adj) based on observation or experience rather than theory
7. Gaunt- (adj) lean, haggard, desolate
8. Ignominy- (n) dishonor, disgraceful conduct
9. Invidious- (adj) tending to cause discontent; offensive, unjust
10. Liaison- (n) a close bond or link; a joining together of forces
11. Malleable- (adj) capable of being changed or altered
12. Maudlin- (adj) foolishly sentimental
13. Polemic- (n) a controversial argument, as one against some opinion, doctrine
14. Propitiate- (v) to gain or regain the favor of
15. Prurient- (adj) having, possessing or inciting lustful ideas or desires
16. Quixotic- (adj) foolishly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical
17. Rapport- (n) relationship marked by harmony,affinity, closeness
18. Salubrious- (adj) favorable to or promoting health or well-being
19. Sanguine- (adj) having a warm cheerful and hopeful nature
20. Taciturn- (adj) habitually silent; uncommunicative
21. Tenable- (adj) capable of being defended
22. Travesty- (n) a distorted or false representation of
23. Ubiquitous- (adj) seemingly everywhere at once
24. Vestige- (n) a mark left in passing; a trace of something that is no longer present
25. Zealot- (n) a fanatic; a person uncompromising in his pursuit of religious, political or other ideas
You will have a vocabulary test, next class. The format of the vocabulary test appears on the following link if you prefer to be more familiar with the emphasis on the test. The test is designed to emphasize usage in order that your recall of the words will be more than just a fleeing memory: Sample Vocabulary Test
One section of the vocabulary test requires you to execute analogies. You may want to use the link in order to adequately prepare for the test.