The Odyssey Project

Performance Indicators:


P.S ELA-2 Reading Analysis: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.

A. Evaluate the relevant themes and synthesize how they are present in the novel in oral and written responses.
B. Interpret the implications of setting and circumstance.
C. Analyze the role of characters in the plot in oral and written responses.
D. Analyze important quotations from the text in oral and written responses.
E. Annotate the text.

P.S ELA-3 Reading Craft and Structure: Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text in which the rhetoric is particularly effective, analyzing how style and content contribute to the power, persuasiveness or beauty of a text.

A. Understand SOAPSTone: Speaker, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Subject, Tone
B. Analyze the plot and/or design of the text, following shifts in time and place.

 P.S ELA-4 Writing Analysis:   Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

A. Select and limit a debatable thesis.
B. Research evidence using credible sources.
C. Select an appropriate organizational plan.
D. Acknowledge alternate sides of a position.
E. Apply the standards of English conventions.
F. Apply persuasive strategies.
G. Create a Works Cited for evidence used.


P.S. ELA-7 Speaking and Listening: Engage effectively in a well-reasoned exchange of ideas

A. Attentively listen to the words of a speaker.
B. Summarize what someone has said.
C. Defend, refute, or challenge the ideas of others.
D. Use evidence to support a position.
E. Organize ideas clearly and logically.
F. Use annotations of the text to contribute to class discussion.

The Odyssey Audiobook

The Odyssey Project Video Instructions

The Odyssey Reenactment Groups 2024

 Our study of THE ODYSSEY will include a cooperative learning initiative in which each group will be assigned three books to translate for their classmates.  A list of your responsibilities follows.

Group Production–  You will have several class days to prepare for the assignments related to your reading.  The productivity of your effort during this time will be assessed a participation score, but your group’s effort during the planning process will figure into your presentation assessment as well.  The standards for conducting efficient use of time follows:
1.     One person in a group speaks at a time.
2.     An individual or individuals may not speak with member(s) of another group.
3.     Any question directed towards the instructor must first be discussed within the group.
4.     Each member of the group must work on THE ODYSSEY responsibilities unless otherwise instructed.
5.     Conflicts should be resolved without distracting others.

                                                                                                         VALUE- Participation Grade


Performance Indicators:   Reading Craft and Structure: Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text in which the rhetoric is particularly effective, analyzing how style and content contribute to the power, persuasiveness or beauty of a text.
B. Analyze the plot and/or design of the text, following shifts in time and place.
Speaking and Listening: Engage effectively in a well-reasoned exchange of ideas

RE-ENACTMENT–  Your group will be assigned three books (chapters) from THE ODYSSEY to re-enact in front of your classmates.  The re-enactments will be presented chronologically.  Your presentation will convey the important events included in your assigned books. The study guide questions located on this link represent events that are considered important within your assigned books. The re-enactment is to be filmed.  You do not have to be the actor in your re-enactment, although you must be the director of the information presented to the class.  Any equipment required for your presentation must be signed out by your group for the day of the re-enactment or personally provided by.  The purpose of the re-enactment is to review the essential events in your books for your classmates.  The effectiveness that you design your presentation for the audience’s behalf is emphasized in your assessment.  

The study guide questions represented in the following links may serve you as emphasis for the vital developments in your assign books:

Book I                         Book VII                           Book XIII                    Book XIX
Book II                        Book VIII                          Book XIV                    Book XX
Book III                       Book IX                            Book XV                     Book XXI
Book IV                       Book X                             Book XVI                    Book XXII
Book V                        Book XI                             Book XVII                  Book XXIII
Book VI                       Book XII                           Book XVIII                 Book XXIV

                                                                                                           VALUE- Performance Score


Performance Indicators:  Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.
A. Evaluate the relevant themes and synthesize how they are present in the novel in oral and written responses.
B. Interpret the implications of setting and circumstance.
C. Analyze the role of characters in the plot in oral and written responses.
D. Analyze important quotations from the text in oral and written responses.
E. Annotate the text.

Research- based Writing: Compose research- based writing to examine a topic through the selection, organization, analysis, and synthesis of relevant content.
Speaking and Listening: Engage effectively in a well-reasoned exchange of ideas

Facilitation of ThemeAlong with the re-enactment your group will present a Facilitation of theme related to your assigned books.  Your facilitation should focus on a recurring theme that unifies your assigned books as well as emphasizes an element of Aristotle’s tragic design (plot, character, thought, diction melody, spectacle).  The facilitation can be represented through a variety of demonstrations including, but not exclusive of Google Slides.  The theme may be apparent in some groups for others, however, you will have to synthesize effectively in order to determine a prevailing theme.  You are expected to include an explanation during your facilitation by identifying its importance to the content of your reading, Aristotle’s outline of tragedy and with the Greek civilization of the time.  A list of suggested themes/topics follows; however do not feel confined to this list if you envision another related topic serving your sense of expression.  The combined reenactment and facilitation of theme should not exceed forty minutes.

Two important assessments follow The Odyssey facilitation:  The tragedy essay and The Odyssey exam.  Your reenactments serve as an ideal review of information represented on the exam while the project could ideally foster insight helpful for the essay.

VALUE– performance score

Suggested themes/topics:

hospitality                                    mythology  Art                                             theater
family                                            death customs—afterlife                            unusual beliefs
values/morals                             social life/festivals                                       slavery
patriarchy/male domination   military affairs/warfare                             sports/competition