A Goddess Intervenes
THE ODYSSEY translated by Robert Fitzgerald
1. The opening lines of the Epic constitute the Invocation of the Muse, a standard opening for all classical literature. Explain the purpose of this device.
2. Why isn’t Odysseus able to return home at the end of the Trojan War. Why is Poseidon so angry? Who tries to assist Odysseus in returning to his home in Ithaca, and how?
3. One of the literary conventions common to epic poetry involves the use of epithets. Define this device, explain its value to the poetry, and cite five examples from the text.
4. Characterize Telemakhos briefly. What qualities does he exhibit that are particularly heroic, suggesting the nature of his upbringing?
5. What is unusual about the speech Telemakhos makes to the suitors? (12-13)
6. Who are the chief spokesmen for the suitors? Contrast their reactions to Telemakhos’ speech. (13-14)
7. In whose character does Athena appear to Telemakhos? What news does she give him and what advice does she offer?