Junior Vocabulary 3 Review

The format for the vocabulary 3 test is the same as the previous vocabulary tests.

1.  crass- (adj)  thick

2.  fallacious- (adj)  illogical

3.  horde- (n)  a large gathering of people

4.  lune- (n)  moon;   a spherical surface bounded by two great circles

5.  odium- (n)  extreme dislike

6.  paucity-  (adj)  fewness

7. repine- (v)   to long for something; to express dejection

8. sluggard- (n)  a lazy person

9. virago- (n)  a woman of great stature, strength, and courage

10. vogue- (n)  popular fashion

11. weal- (n)  a sound healthy sate; well-being

12. winsome- (adj) attractive

13. wizen- (v)  to become dry, shrunken and wrinkled

14. wrest- (v)  to violently twist

15. zealot- (n) a fanatic; a person devoted to a cause

Vocabulary 3 Quizlet

You will have a vocabulary test next class.  The format of the vocabulary test appears on the following link if you prefer to be more familiar with the emphasis of the test.  The test is designed to emphasize usage in order that your recall of the words will be more than just a fleeing memory:  Sample Vocabulary Test