November 23 – Day 4

6 3/4
1.  Finish glazing bobblehead and base:  follow Glaze Rules correctly, neatness counts, use different colors to emphasize details
2.  Skill Sheets for Quarter 2

1.  Print Artist’s Proofs until you can make 2 perfect prints in a row – SAVE YOUR BEST ARTIST’S PROOF
2.  Print color experiments – you will need to turn in a series of at least 4 perfect prints (each one must be some kind of color experiment)
3.  Put Art Reflection in conference folder

1.  Put Art Reflection in conference portfolio
2.  Last day for drawing!  At the end of class, fill out rubric, PAPERCLIP to your drawing, turn them both in.

1.  Put Art Reflection in conference portfolio
2.  Last day for drawing!  At the end of class, fill out rubric, PAPERCLIP to your drawing, turn them both in.

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