Vocabulary 6 Review

1.  anomaly- (n) a deviation from what is common
2.   audacity- (n) inconsiderate: arrogant disregard
3.   chagrin- (n) a feeling of disappointment or humiliation
4.   encumber- (v) to burden
5.  erudite- (adj) characterized by great knowledge                                                                       6.   indelible- (adj) cannot be eliminated
7.  imprecation- (n) a curse
8.  coterie- (n) close circle of friends
9.  enthrall- (V) captivate or charm
10. mollify- (v) to soften, calm or soothe
11.  obeisance- (n) deep respect
12.  portentous- (adj) of the nature of something momentous
13. prurient- (adj) lustful
14. salubrious- (adj) healthful
15.  sibilant- (adj) characterized by a hissing sound
16. sinew- (n) strength; resilience
17. sojourn- (n) a temporary stay
18.  temerity- (n) reckless boldness
19.   usurp- (v) hold by force
20.  vanguard- (n) the foremost or leading position

Vocabulary 6 Quizlet

For practice you can attempt to complete the story which follows using your vocabulary terms.  The answers appear after the story.  Be warn the story is not intended for sensitive readers.

                                                 Stephen King’s Apprentice

The outraged young man was flailing his arms in extreme animation while the clerk attempted to _1_ his rage, “Sir, you misunderstood the instructions; you need to calm down,” her soothing voice attempted to reassure the hostile man.  The man, a tall, angular, balding archeologist, remained relentless, his _2_ overwhelmed the timid clerk.  She peered over her bifocals observing the growing line of passengers whose _3_ in the bus terminal was being interrupted by this man’s _4_.  The man slung his large duffel bag on the counter that the clerk stood behind, from within the canvas bag  a _5_ sound similar to a cave-full of rattle snakes could be heard.

“Now you’ve done it!” hollered the archeologist.  His voice building up as if he had something _6_ to declare.  “You–have–just–made–me–awaken–the–dormant–creature, confined within this bag.  “From this day forward I put a _7_ on you, your family and your _8_!”

The man’s _9_ clearly had upset the clerk who paged two strong-armed security types to restrain the man.  The security personnel were led by their lieutenant or _10_ who approached the desk with a false sense of authority, he confronted the agitated man.  “Listen Mac, you’re about to get a face-full of pepper spray or maybe me and the boys will play taser-tag with you until you start shaking like some epileptic zombie.  If you don’t simmer down  we’re going to do something that won’t be none too healthful for you.”

The archeologist sighed hopelessly responding to the lieutenant, who was not an _11_ individual having dropped out of school in the fifth grade, yet earning his G.E.D. and putting his time in the system to earn a promotion to second in command of the transportation security staff in Limerick, Maine.   The archeologist, _12_ bearing some unforeseen great burden now spoke in a measured tone entirely changed from his previously frantic manner, in fact the archeologist appeared to have _13_ if not sympathy for the plump lieutenant, “Sir, you can attempt to _14_ me all you want, but in doing so you have prevented me from departing on time and I am afraid, much to my _15_,” his face reddening, “it is now hopeless,” he sighed deeply and with a voice full of regret he exclaimed, “I am so sorry the destruction is _16_.”

The _17_ed people in line along with the transportation personnel looked on in amazement as the hissing from within the bag changed to a shriek and the bag violent began to show movement within.  Suddenly the duffel bag was shredded and emerging from its confine was an _18_, a never-before-seen creature, covered with slimy matted hair, a tight grayish epidermis stretched over its body like a fish net exposing bone material and scarlet ligaments and tendons from its body.  Four arms with jaundice-colored razor-like claws moved with precision decapitating the four people, the clerk, the archeologist, the lieutenant and one of the security staff, standing closest to the horrific entity.

People screamed and attempted to run for the exits except for the town prostitute who was so strung out from a weekend of binge drinking and drugging that she mistook the hideous creature for a potential client, in her best attempt to appear _19_ she stammered at the creature, “Look big boy, I can soothe your anger for a pri–” her body was entirely consumed by the vicious creature before the poor woman could realize what was happening.  More indescribable carnage occurred that morning in the bus terminal and then on the bus whose passengers had the misfortune to pull up during the onslaught.  In all 127 people lost their lives before the gluttonous creature succumbed to a overly stuffed stomach-full of breakfast victims and its belly exploded, “It appears that his first meal was his last, an all you can eat special,” an aghast investigator was reported as saying.

On the archeologist’s desk, at his home on the lonely hill in Limerick, a note was found.  Scribbled on a piece of paper the words declared, “It’s not _20_ to unearth sleeping mutant vampires zombies.  I must get it to the nuclear plant in Wiscasset to dispose of this monster before it awakens!”


1.  mollify
2.  sinew
3.  sojourn
4.  audacity
5. sibilant
6.  portentous
7.  imprecation
8.  coterie
9.  temerity
10. vanguard
11. erudite
12. encumber
13. obeisance
14. usurp
15. chagrin
16. indelible
17. enthrall
18. anomaly
19. prurient
20. salubrious

You have a vocabulary test next class; study in order to be prepared.