Performance Indicators:
P.S. ELA-1 Language: Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. A. Notice and correct grammatical and mechanical errors in writing. |
Use a dictionary to write a definition and the part-of-speech for each of the words and then use each word in a sentence emphasizing the word’s meaning, underlining the vocabulary term in each sentence.
1. Anomaly
4. Diffident
5. Effigy
6. Ethereal
7. Factitious
8. Garret
9. Impalpable
10. Incipient
11. Magnanimous
12. Manifold
13. Opiate
15. Platitude
16. Peremptory
17. Quaff
18. Rancor
19. Ruminate
20. Solicitude
21. Specious
22. Transitory
23. Travail
24. Unction
25. Wassail