The Crucible Act I Reading Quiz

The Crucible by Arthur Miller reader

The Crucible by Arthur Miller Audio Book 

1.  Who appears to be the protagonist of the play?  Justify your response.
2.  Who or what appears to be the antagonist of the play?  Justify your response.
3.  When does the inciting moment of the play occur?  Justify your response.
4.  What is the dramatic question of the play?
5.  Explain how Arthur Miller’s experiences have influenced the initial events depicted in the play.
6.  What three conflicts undermine the villagers’ eagerness to believe the girls’ accusations? How do Putnam, Parris and Proctor each represent the three conflicts.  Refer to the Arthur Miller web search for further understanding.
7.  What appears to be Betty Parris’s ailment?  Justify your response.
8.  What is Reverend Hale’s field of expertise?  Explain why he has arrived in Salem.
9.  What relationship does Abigail Williams and John Proctor share?
10. Who is the first person accused by the girls?  Why do you suspect that she was first accused?