The Catcher in the Rye Exam Review

Performance Indicators:


P.S ELA-2 Reading Analysis: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.

A. Evaluate the relevant themes and synthesize how they are present in the novel in oral and written responses.
B. Interpret the implications of setting and circumstance.
C. Analyze the role of characters in the plot in oral and written responses.
D. Analyze important quotations from the text in oral and written responses.
E. Annotate the text.

P.S ELA-3 Reading Craft and Structure: Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text in which the rhetoric is particularly effective, analyzing how style and content contribute to the power, persuasiveness or beauty of a text.

A. Understand SOAPSTone: Speaker, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Subject, Tone
B. Analyze the plot and/or design of the text, following shifts in time and place.

The Catcher in the Rye Study Guide Questions can provide you with an ideal source to prepare for the exam.

PART 1   Characterization  Various quotes from the novel are presented, you will have to match the character with the passage that describes him/her.                         20 POINTS

The second part of the Characterization section requires you to recognize various minor characters who leave an impression upon Holden  and to describe their roles in the novel.                                                                                                                                  15 POINTS

PART 2   Chronology if Events Various memorable events our presented from the novel, you will be required to place the events in order as they appeared in Salinger’s story.

PART 3  
Memorable Quotes You will be asked to identify the event represented by the quote from the novel and then explain what is learned about the protagonist by the quote.

PART 4   Thematic Response You will be required to express your opinion and to support your point of view with evidence from the story in respect to symbolism and theme.