Standards for Juniors

Ideally, we are brought together in your pursuit of intellectualism.  Intellect is often define as understanding and reasoning through objectivity.  Intellect is not governed by emotions.

SYLLABUS          A mighty maze! But not without a plan.
The most useful tool of communication that I provide for you is the course syllabus.  Each quarter for the academic year is represented by a syllabus.  The assignments, along with links of explanation, are provided for you.  The dates are often altered due to unscheduled interruptions in the school calendar, thus each class is represented by a DAY on the syllabus.  The absence of dates on the syllabus may provide a momentary challenge for the concrete sequential mind, but be assured that in order for the syllabus to be an on-going and useful resource for you, the DAYS on the syllabus expire one after the other as we meet each day in class.  Sure, I may be a bit stubborn in my failure to appreciate people who have difficulty managing the syllabus just as I would if I were a craftsman whose apprentice used a hammer for a saw.

GOVERNANCE                   He is  fooled–that master of deceit.
You are expected to conduct yourself like the intelligent young adult that you are.  Your pursuit of a heightened understanding of English is guided by a respect for others.  Hard work is a far more appealing attribute than an excuse.   Armed with an earnest curiosity, you should demand from me and this course knowledge that will enable you to continue to fulfill your potential.  All classroom management expectations are guided by this fundamental philosophy.  However, if you require a literal interpretation:  get to class on time, leave only for an emergency, speak only when you have some meaningful insight to offer the class and do not eat or drink in the classroom.  Water is permitted.  According to school policy cellphones are to be kept in your backpack with the volume turned off.

STANDARD ENGLISH DEPARTMENT POLICIES      Without order there is chaos.
Any paper that is turned in late will receive a maximum grade of 50%.  If a student misses a class he/she is still responsible for getting homework and/or class work and submitting that work on time.  If a student misses a class due to an absence, the assignment must be turned in the next school day in order to receive full credit.  If a student misses a class due to a field trip, all work is due as assigned.
PLAGIARISM- The work of another that is misrepresented as your own will be given a zero.  A conference including the student, instructor, parent(s) and administrator may be necessary as well.

ASSESSMENT STANDARDS          All assessment is a perpetual work in progress.

You will often hear me express that your concern for your grade is best replaced with your desire to learn.  I have endured in this profession because I value your learning.  Your grade, however, is the focus of your ability to determine if you are learning according to the instructor’s design.  The assignments are broken into categories according to the English department’s learning standards.  The categories and their values follow:

Reading- 40%
Writing- 30%
Language- 20%
Speaking/Listening- 10%

The syllabus reflects, by abbreviation to the right of the identified assignment, the value of the assessment.

Language activities include vocabulary, grammar practices as well as other technical language usage exercises.  

Reading activities are regarded as the most meaningful assignments in the English curriculum.  Reading assignments are most often comprised of chapter reading responsibilities, reading quizzes and tests and well as novel exams.  On most quizzes, you are allowed to use notes/annotations that you have compiled over the reading and/or class discussion.

Writing assignments will be submitted to turnitin.  Turnitin is a digital recording application that is designed to assist students with improving their writing as well as scanning for plagiarism issues.  Generally, students will have until midnight of the due date to submit writing assignments on time. 

Speaking/Listening activities are assessed largely during class time.  The learner’s ability to comprehend, analyze, synthesize and evaluate as well as her/his willingness to listen to instruction comprise the foundation that this aspect of the student’s grade is based on.