

Freshmen Academic English


You are to produce a pictorial that reflects your best possible effort within the reasonable amount of time provided for you.  A pictorial is a collection of pictures that convey a story or message.  The subject for your selected pictures follows below.  Obviously, the manner in which you approach a task influences the outcome.  Resisting an assignment, choosing otherwise to believe that the effort required is an imposition and burden of your time most often results in an uninspiring product.  Satisfaction results by embracing an assignment as a challenge to your ability and applying the utmost effort that you are capable of within the restraints of the challenge.  Ultimately the quality of your existence is a consequence of the quality of your effort.

Does the pictorial count?
The pictorial is your first graded assignment and carries the value of a test (2) score.

How will the pictorial be graded?
The pictorial will be assessed according to the following criteria and its value:
Presentation                                                                  20 points
Ability to apply the indicated directions                  20 points
Creativity                                                                        20 points
Effort                                                                               20 points
Expression                                                                     20 points

Your grade will be deducted twenty points for each deviation from the directions.

So, what do I have to do?
Remember, the question actually is:  What do I get to do?

1.     You are to create a book of pictures using publications (magazine, poster, photographs, etc.) that represent the mandated themes as indicated along with your sincere expression.
2.     A pictorial is a collection of pictures that details a story or message.  Each picture must be at least 5” by 7”.  You may use a collage of smaller pictures to produce the 5” by 7” requirement for each theme.
3.     Each picture is to be neatly displayed and mounted on an appealing background.
4.     A cover is required that displays your name, the class/period, the assignment, and the due date.  Also you will express a thoughtful title for your pictorial on the cover.
5.     The first page, beyond the cover, will express your table of content.  The table of content will represent the mandated themes and the page number that each is located on as represented below:
What I am interested in………………….page 1
What I despise……………………………….page2
A meaningful value that I embody……page 3
My dream in life……………………………..page 4
6.     You must also include a quote from any published form of literature that represents the picture.  The title of the published work must follow the quote in parenthesis.  Each picture and quote must adhere to the standards of the Brunswick School Department.  Other than the quote and page number, no other written display is to appear after the table of content page unless the written display is a necessary part of the included picture.
7.     The pictorial is due on Day 3 and will be returned later in the academic year.  Be prepared to discuss any part of the pictorial with the class.