Parts of Speech (FP)

In previous years students would be given a packet of worksheets to complete detailing the eight parts of speech and their common sub-types.  However, the internet provides a vast array of resources for learning the parts of speech in the English language that exceed the instructional opportunities provided by worksheet-base learning.  Interactive exercises provide students with immediate feedback whereas a compilation of worksheets would often take time to assess and leave the learner with a marginal source of information at best.

Your assignment is to acquire a definition for each part of speech listed and to provide a sentence displaying the part of speech in use, underlining the part of speech defined.  This word-bank will provide you with a basic foundation of categorizing the various parts of speech.

After you have completed the definitions and examples you are to acquire as much experience as time permits in building on your comprehension of the basic parts of speech types.  You are expected to invest a minimum of 80 minutes of time on internet quizzes, exercises, informational pages, or other resources available to you.  The advantage that this pursuit affords you is that areas of knowledge where individually you are lacking can be strengthened by investing further time and effort on the required part of speech(es) that you are unfamiliar with.

You can gain extra credit by turning in a log, signed by a supervising adult, that confirms the time that you have invested beyond the initial 80 minutes in building upon your foundation of knowledge regarding the parts of speech.  The log should indicate the part of speech that you invested the time studying with the signature of the supervising adult next to it as well as the time invested.

For Example:
prepositions      60 minutes            Mr. Dwyer’s signature
adverb                25 minutes             study hall teacher’s signature
verb                    40 minutes             your parent’s signature
On Day 6 you are required to turn in your definitions, examples and log sheet.  On Day 5 we will review the parts of speech and on Day 6 you will have the part of speech test.

Define the part of speech types and provide a sentence where the part of speech defined is demonstrated, underlining the word used as an example.

For example:
Definition:  Transitive Verb- a verb that shows action on a direct object.
Sentence:  The boy threw the ball (ball is the object that the verb threw refers to).

proper noun
compound noun
linking verb

The following internet addresses are useful sites; many others are available as well: