Mid Year Exam Review

PART 1  VOCABULARY-   You will be responsible for knowing the following root words and their meanings.  You will be required to express your understanding of these root words through matching the definition with the root words along with analogies and word association.                                                                                                      20 POINTS

aud- to hear                                   simil- like, resembling
vis- to see                                        circum- around
cap- head                                         gress- step or degree
fic/fect- make                                 sci- to know
con-with/together                         senescere- to grow old
mem- remember                            carn- flesh
inter- between/among                 dict- say or speak
rect- right/straight                        doc- teach
pre- before                                       domin- master
cred- believe                                    fort, forc- strong
homo- same                                     hetero- different
lut- wash                                          ante- before
ambi- both                                       se- apart
gen- race/kind                                culp- guilt
ten/tent- hold                                 voc- call

The following link may help you in order to be better prepared for analogies on the vocabulary section of the mid year exam:


 PART 2  GRAMMAR- You will be responsible for knowing the following eight parts of speech and the listed sub-types, along with knowing the difference between various types of clauses and phrases as well as the different sentence types.  This section of the exam will require you to demonstrate your knowledge through matching the term with the underlined word(s) in a sentence.                                                                                20 POINTS

noun            pronoun                   adjective                  article                     verb
adverb         preposition              proper noun           conjunction           interjection

The following link may help you to better prepare for the parts of speech section of the exam:



independent clause                    subordinate clause

The two links below are ideal practice sites for the clause section on the mid year exam:


PART 3    ESSAY PARTS & TYPES- This section of the exam requires you to be able to distinguish between the different essay forms (expository, familiar, and true narrative) as well as the different parts of an essay according to the Funnel Method model.  This section will comprise of multiple choice questions.                                                          20 POINTS

The following links provide you with the source of information for the ESSAY PARTS & TYPES section: 

Funnel Method
Essay Classification & Analysis


Know the following:
Introduction, thesis statement, body, topic sentence, opinion, support, clarify, conclusive statement, conclusion, restate thesis, review main points, thematic statement.                                                                                  
PART 4     Assigned In-Class Essays-  This section of the exam will represent the literature component of the curriculum by testing your understanding of the most recent assigned essays.  You will need to know the titles of the essays, their authors, their thesis statements, their themes, the essay type, as well as a summary of each essay.  You will be allowed to use your notes composed in class over these assigned essays.                                                                                                                                            20 POINTS

PART 5     ESSAY- You will be required to write a 5-paragraph expository essay based on one of the themes of the assigned in-class essays.  The essay question will require you to consider a theme from one of the assign essays and write a three-part thesis about the theme.                                                                                                                          20 POINTS