Fourth Quarter Instructions from Mr. Dwyer

I am providing you with instructions to assist you in your ability to manage the fourth quarter expectations in Honors English through the distant learning process that we are faced with.

All instructions and supporting practices will continue to be located on the digital class website through WordPress.

All assignments are to be submitted to Turnitin. Please continue to do your own original work.

Tests/Quizzes are located on Google Classroom and are to be submitted to Google classroom due to formatting limitations with Turnitin.

The novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is the current focus of our next literary study. I hope that students can immediately secure their own copy of the novel. Perhaps you have a copy in your house that you can read. There is a digital and audio edition on the website. You may also pick up a copy by contacting the high school, however, I discourage you from doing so in order that we respect the social distancing protocol recommended by our medical experts.

This quarter we have been advised to administer a pass/fail grade. I will continue to assess your work with a numerical grade. Realize that according to the Brunswick school system you are only obligated to achieve a 60 in order to achieve a passing grade for the quarter. I will continue to offer you the full scope of instruction with necessary modifications so that you can choose to determine what is best for you. In short, I hope that all my students will complete the responsibilities as they are expressed through the syllabus.

Finally, the overwhelming majority of my students submitted their research papers as well as the clause/phrase test. The results have been consistent with past performances of my former classes. This developments affirms my understanding of your remarkable nature. Your collective accomplishment under these trying circumstances is truly extraordinary.

Please know that each of you are in my thoughts, like a well-used turnstile my consideration for all of you is ongoing.

My Best,
Mr. Dwyer