Clause/Phrase Test


1.  Go to Google Classroom where you will locate a copy of the Clause/Phrase Test.

2.  You should study the teacher’s notes before taking the test as well as completing as many of the practices found on the Clause/Phrase links as you feel you need to in order to comprehend the instructional material.

3.  The Teacher’s Notes form the focus of the material on the test.

4.  The test is a formative assessment.  You may retake the test up through April 3, 2020.

5.  Open Google Docs and number an answer sheet 1-50 labeling each part 1-5 according to the test format.  Submit your final answer sheet to Turnitin.

6.  You are to take this test without any assistance from another person.  Obviously, you can violate this condition, however, I am appealing to your sense of responsibility that you do not share answers.  You will be able to retake the test if you like.