Intercom Message – Monday, March 18

Good morning Coffin School,

This is Mr. Ciembroniewicz and I hope this Monday morning finds you well.

It’s hard to believe it, but Wednesday will be the first day of spring. The poet Emily Dickenson once wrote that , “March is the month of expectation.”  I think I know what she means.  Most of the winter weather has passed and I find myself looking ahead to the warmer days.

Given the weather forecast, I’m going to have to practice patience.  Sounds like a March snowstorm might be coming our way and I sure we’ll see more snowy days.  This isn’t such a bad thing.  It makes me think back to winter and, in doing so, all that I’ve been learning this year.

I know that your families had conferences these last few weeks and trust that this was a chance for your teachers to share how much you’ve learned.  One thing that I love about
taking stock in March is that there are still months of school left. March can be the month of expectation, but it can also be one of opportunity.  So much to learn and the time to do it. Aren’t we lucky!

Two birthdays I want to acknowledge this Monday – Mr. Robert Tristram Coffin – the Brunswick poet whose name is on our school and Mrs. Murphy – our wonderful music teacher!

As Baxter Bear and his helpers would say, be kind, be gentle, be safe – and, be
responsible – that’s the Coffin Way.

Have a great week, everyone.

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