Quarter 1, Week 3, Sept. 19-23, 2016

Remember, Bar Graphs are used to compare a set of data results.  This week we conclude our Metric System and Bar Graph quick-Unit and begin the Engineering Design Process Unit.
Monday- The Body Measurement Lab and Bar Graph.
Tuesday– Conclude the Body Measurement Labit is HOMEWORK if you do not finish it in class.  Use the Bar Graph model as notes for a complete graph.
OPEN HOUSE IS TONIGHT FROM 6:30 to 8:00.  See you here!
Wednesday Begin the Engineering Design Process.  Today we develop an individual plan for a spaghetti tower after a few notes on the process.
Thursday– Students are put into teams to choose a plan and construct their spaghetti tower.  Reviewed the Engineering Design process cycle.
FridayField trip to Mackworth Island for a day of team-building.
Next week will discuss the best tower design and graph the tower heights for the second attempt’s heights results.

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