
Welcome to Mr. Seheult’s, 6th grade-SCIENCE-Birch-Island website.

The purpose of this site is to keep you (the student and the parent) informed with what we are studying in Science, with when assignments are due, with class policies, and with interesting links more fascinating than this website.

The Week’s Work: Postings of what we are working on week to week- starting with “Quarter 1, Week 1” and updated throughout the school year.  COPIES OF ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE POSTED HERE (i.e. a lab sheet, a review sheet, an article, notes, a worksheet…).  If you need an additional copy of an assignment, you forgot what the homework was, or to see an example of what we discussed in class, you can find it here.  If you have been ABSENT, go to this page.

Due Dates: A monthly calendar of when assignments, projects, or labs are DUE.  Turned in at the start of class unless otherwise noted.  The dates for Quizzes and Tests will be posted here too.

Year at a Glance: A page of all that we will study in 6th grade on the Birch Island Team.  In other words, the 6th grade Science Curriculum as adopted by the Brunswick School Department, Brunswick, Maine.

Student Links: Postings of interesting websites, videos, or book titles that will further your understanding of what we are studying or of things that I just think are really cool.  Sites and titles are added throughout the year. Do you know of a cool link?  Share it with me and I will add it to the post.

Class Policies: A page explaining everything from expectations in the classroom to grades to homework and late work procedures to days when you are absent.