Intercom Message – Monday, May 13

Good morning Coffin School,

I hope you all had a relaxing and rejuvenating weekend.  While I wasn’t thrilled about the rain, it was most certainly good for the plants and our lawn is looking greener than

I find springtime to be a wonderful reminder of how things grow even more when they’re nurtured – taken care of thoughtfully.  It’s not just plants, of course.  We as people grow when others nurture us and help us to learn in positive and supportive ways.

We can even nurture things within ourselves – we get to decide
how we want to approach a day or even a particular situation.  Imagine a time of frustration.  One can choose to nurture the frustration, perhaps
blaming others and even getting angry, or one can choose to step back, think
about what’s really going on, and work on positive ways to solve a
problem.  Both are choices and depending
on what one chooses to nurture, it shapes our days and our lives.

I encourage you to take a few moments this week to think
about what you want to nurture in your life – kindness, generosity, patience –
there are so many choices – it’s refreshing to know that they’re all ours to

As Baxter Bear and his helpers would say, be kind, be gentle,
be safe – and, be responsible – that’s our Coffin Way.

Happy Springtime and have a great week!

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