Count your Dots

Third Grade Math Games

Multiplication is a new skill for third grade math students, but it builds on concepts they’ve mastered in earlier grades. This card game helps them make the connections. Each player flips two cards, then draws a grid and makes dots where the lines join. They count the dots, and the person with the most keeps all the cards.

Learn more: Teach Beside Me

From: We are Teachers

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Prime and Square Number – Dump a Dice Game

This online board game has you thinking ahead where you may want to land (on a square number) while avoiding landing on a prime number.  Give it a try and play with someone or against yourself. 

Dump a Dice Game

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Division 1 Racing [Printable Math Game]

 From: Deceptively Educational 

  • 10 small toy cars
  • Division 1 Racing track (Download it here; cut and tape together.)
  • Division 1 Racing playing cards (Download it here; this 13-page PDF has 100 division problems. Print and cut the cards apart.)
  • Division tables (for when kids get stumped; we used the one here)

How to Play

  • For multiple players, decide who’s racing what cars in which lanes. 
  • We took turns drawing a card, answering the problem and moving the car that was in the same numbered lane as the answer. 
  • The object was to answer the problems correctly and watch to see which car would cross the finish line first.
  • This game could easily be played with multiple players – as many as 10 or more if they were solving problems as teams. If your child is playing alone, consider making the track shorter to keep them from getting fatigued and frustrated before the race is won.
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Use order of operations to get to 24.

Math Card Games Learn With Math Games

Math card games aren’t just for little kids; even adults will find this one a bit tricky. Each player is dealt four cards, then uses the order-of-operations rules to try to make a number as close to 24 as possible. Simple but challenging!

Learn more: Learn With Math Games

From: We Are Teachers


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Chalk Clock

Draw a giant clock without the hands.  Decide on some times and have the kids be the hands of the clock.  Idea from: Who would have thought it

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Addition or Multiplication Pyramid

  • Object: to get the most points
  • Materials: a deck of cards (it’s okay if some cards are missing)
  • Point Values: all number cards equal that number of points; J, Q, K equal 10,  and Aces can be 1 or 11
  • Instructions:
  • Set up a pyramid. There should be 7 rows and 28 cards in all. 
  • Player 1 chooses two of the “uncovered” cards and adds them to make a sum. Since the object of the game is to get the most points, Player 1 should choose two cards that make the highest sum. For example, Player 1 could have chosen anything from the bottom row because those cards are uncovered. He chooses the 10 and 8 because that makes the highest sum. He says, “10+8=18, takes the cards away, and writes his answer on his paper. Player 2 chooses two of the uncovered cards to make the highest sum possible. She writes the sum on her paper. In this example, she chooses the 5 and 5 to make 10. Players keep adding two uncovered cards and writing down the sums until there are no cards left.Once all cards have been used, players add up all of their sums. The player with the most points wins. NOTES: In some cases near the end of the game, as shown here, there will only be one uncovered card available. In this case, the player must take the Queen, and will add 0 to it since there is no other card to take. So in this case, the player says “10+0=10” and scores 10 points.MULTIPLICATION PYRAMIDTo play the multiplication version of this game, players will multiply the cards to make a product rather than adding them to make a sum. Once all cards have been used, players add up all of their products. The player with the most points wins.

From: Shelley Gray Teaching

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Pig – A dice game

Choose a player to go first. That player throws a die and scores as many points as the total shown on the die providing the die doesn’t roll a 1. The player may stop and take the points at any time or risk another roll. The player may continue rolling and accumulating points (but risk rolling a 1) or end his turn.

If the player rolls a 1 his turn is over, he loses all points he accumulated that turn, and he passes the die to the next player.

Play passes from player to player until a winner is determined. First person to accumulate 100 or more points wins the game.


Two-Dice Pig

The Two-Dice version is the same as Pig, except two standard dice are rolled. If neither shows a 1, their sum is added to the turn total. If a single 1 is rolled, the player scores nothing and the turn ends. If two ones are rolled, the player’s entire score is lost and their turn ends.

Big Pig

This variant is the same as Two-Dice Pig, except rolling double ones ends the player’s turn, scores 25 points, and eliminates any other points the player may have accumulated that turn. If any other doubles are rolled, the player adds twice the value of the dice to the turn total.

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Try for a total of TEN

Math Card Games The First Grader Roundup

Play this math card game alone or as a team. Lay out 20 cards on the table (leave out face cards or change them to equal 0, while aces equal 1). Kids remove sets of cards that add up to 10, ultimately trying to remove all the cards from the table. It’s harder than you think!

Learn More: First Grade Round Up

From: We Are Teachers

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Target Number card game

This looks like a fun card game from Shelley Gray called Target Number. Click on target number link for directions.  Quick synopsis, you flip a card that is the target number and then deal out 3 cards to each person.  With your 3 cards you add, multiply, subtract and/or divide to reach the target number.  

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Real Life Math

Here are some great videos about REAL LIFE MATH.


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