BHS ELO Types Exploring the different types of ELOs document may help determine the best format for interests and ideas.
BHS ELO Registration Cleanest – This starts the process…please pick up in guidance or from Mr. Wilson
BHS ELO Planning Grid This needs to be the first form filled out after registering using purple form from guidance
BHS ELO Rubric This will help you understand expectations and should guide planning and learning.
ELO Portfolio & Journal Guidelines Important suggestions are found here for final products.
Hold Harmless Release Form This needs to be signed by both parent and student before starting with community partner.
Work Based Learning Form This is the main document needed for Work Based Learning elective.
Educational Leadership contract – This is the main document needed for Educational Leadership elective.
STEM-Related Job Shadow Requirement
Other Documents and Helpful Links
BHS Guiding Principles This will help with the planning grid questions. Examples from New Hampshire ELO’s.