Student Driven Learning
An ELO is intended as an opportunity for you to explore your interests and to further your learning outside the classroom. If you’ve ever thought about exploring a question you have always had or develop a project that reflects your interests and skills, this is your chance.
Watch, listen, and learn about ELO’s at BHS here; ELO’s@BHS
Click here to explore types of ELOs
Student Benefits
○ Receives opportunity for credit
○ Gains specific workplace skills and knowledge
○ Receives hands-on learning experience; “soft skills” such as teamwork, etc.
○ Becomes aware of expectations of the workplace
○ Sees relevance between school subjects and the workplace
○ Receives guidance in forming an information base to assist in career decisions that are compatible with personal interests
○ Builds self-confidence in work with adults
○ Develops positive self-image, peer recognition and leadership skills
○ Develops abilities to work as a team member
○ Develops network of career contacts for the future
○ Receives opportunity to enhances career portfolio
○ Explores career options
○ Applies and reinforces knowledge and skills learned in academic and occupational courses
○ Facilitates transition from school to the workplace and/or post-secondary education/training
○ Explores selected major – skills needed, salary, working conditions
Responsibilities of the Student:
- Participate in Community Partner site interview.
- Develop an acceptable and high-quality ELO plan with the ELO Coordinator or lead teacher and Community Partner that details connection(s) to school based curriculum competencies and identifies how the work and learning will be assessed.
- Develop and maintain a portfolio that follows the ELO
- Follow all Community Partner site workplace policies and procedures.
- Communicate in a timely manner any issues or concerns.
- Contact the ELO Coordinator with adequate notice of any tardiness or absence.
- Complete all agreed to curriculum competency work and assessments.
- Sign and complete all requirements that are needed to go to an off-site ELO.
- Sign and complete all requirements that are associated with the ELO application process.
Recent BHS Student Area Focus Examples
Check out our community partners and create your own project…click here for some partner ideas;
Healthcare Shadows – Students have created multiple shadow experiences at Martin’s Point and Mid Coast Hospital that explored nursing, Physician Assistant positions, Pediatrics, Sonography, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, click for journal entry
Veterinary Medicine – Students have shadowed Veterinary offices in order to get a feel for both for profit and non-profit workplaces that care for animals.
Senior Healthcare and Welfare – Students have shadowed and volunteered at nearby Mid Coast Senior Health Center as well as area retirement communities such as Thornton Oaks, Sunnybrook Village, Coastal Shores, and The Highlands.
STEM Related Entrepreneur Job Shadows – Students have explored STEM clusters that exist at Brunswick Landing primarily within TechPlace (Brunswick Landing’s Technology Accelerator) and nearby other businesses at Brunswick Landing.
Elementary Education – Students volunteer or shadow specific grade levels and teachers nearby at Harriet Beecher Stowe, Coffin, and Brunswick Junior High schools.
Music Theory and Practice – Students have been involved in a variety of independent studies that fall under both choral and band umbrellas.
Public Safety – Students have shadowed fire, ambulance, and police personnel or have been involved in organized programs that are affiliated with these departments.
Public Policy –Students have been involved with school board policy as student liaisons and have researched and investigated their own interests as depicted in these student made PSAs.
Mental Health – Students explored the importance of wraparound services to mental health issues and created this PSA.
History – Students explored the history of what was once called Merriconeag Village, then BNAS, now Brunswick Landing and created a film.
Marine Biology – Students explored local aquaculture and marine ecology issues with noted Professor Dr. Brian Beal and local shellfish harvesters at Heel Eddy in Georgetown and Harraseeket Cove in Freeport.
Environmental Science – Students have monitored green crab populations and used remote wildlife cameras at nearby Maquoit Bay and made a movie summarizing their experience –
click to learn more