Weight/Core Training

Weight/Core Training:  We encourage you to repeat the 3-day training outlined below each week combined with your running program.



Power Clean- 6×2


Stand over barbell with balls of feet positioned under bar pointing forward, hip width’s apart or slightly wider. Squat down and grip bar with overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder width (thumbs length from ends of knerlings on Olympic bar). Position shoulders over bar with back arched tightly. Arms are straight with elbows pointed along bar.


Pull bar up off floor by extending hips and knees. As bar reaches knees, vigorously raise shoulders while keeping barbell close to thighs. When barbell passes mid-thigh, allow it to contact thighs. Jump upward, extending body. Shrug shoulders and pull barbell upward with arms, allowing elbows to flex out to sides, keeping bar close to body. Aggressively pull body under bar, rotating elbows around bar. Catch bar on shoulders before knees bend lower than 90°. Stand up immediately so thighs ride no lower than parallel to floor.


Bend knees slightly and lower barbell to mid-thigh position. Slowly lower bar with taut lower back and trunk close to vertical. The advanced athlete may unload (drop) bar from completed position (as shown). This technique may be practiced to reduce stress or fatigue involved in lowering bar as prescribed. Use rubber weightlifting plates on weightlifting platform if this unloading method is used (unless floor demolition is desired).


Video: Watch Here


Terminal Knee extension- 5×4


Purpose: The terminal knee extension is a great exercise for combatting pain occurring from patella tendinitis in the knee. TKE will help strengthen the vastis medialis oblique in the quadricep complex keeping the patella more firmly in place which can help decrease pain.

Instruction: A resistance band is wrapped around the knee and anchored to a table leg or similar upright object. The athlete starts with the knee slightly bent and body weight on the involved leg. The knee is then straightened backwards, against the resistance of the band.

Video: Watch Here


Front Squat- 5×3

Preparation: From rack with barbell upper chest height, position bar in front of shoulders. Cross arms and place hands on top of barbell with upper arms parallel to floor. Dismount bar from rack.

Execution: Squat down by bending hips back while allowing knees to bend forward, keeping back straight and knees pointed same direction as feet. Descend until thighs are just past parallel. Extend knees and hips until legs are straight. Return and repeat.

Video: Watch Here

Push Press- 5×3

Preparation: Grasp barbell from rack or clean barbell from floor with overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder width. Position bar chest high with torso tight. Retract head back.

Execution (Jerk): Dip body by bending knees, hips and ankles slightly. Explosively drive upward with legs, driving barbell up off shoulders, vigorously extending arms overhead. Return to shoulders and repeat.

Video: Watch Here

Pull Up- 5×3

Execution: With hands facing toward or away from you, lift yourself up high enough so that your chin clears the bar

Video: Watch Here

Dumbbell Single Leg RDL 5×4

Execution: With a dumbbell in your right hand, slowly bend over while extending your right leg. Make sure you keep your back straight. After doing five sets with your right side, do the same with your left side.

Video: Watch Here


Dumbbell Reverse Lunge



  • Stand holding a pair of dumbbells at your sides, with your feet together.
  • Make sure you have at least a few feet of clearance behind you.
  • Start with your chest out, head up, and a slight bend in your knees.



Step backward with your right leg, landing on the ball of the foot, then bend both knees to lower yourself to the floor. (Make sure to step back far enough so your front knee is behind the toes at the bottom of the movement.) When your front thigh is parallel with the floor, extend your knees and hips to stand back up to the start position. Alternate legs with every rep.

Website- http://www.muscleandfitness.com/training/legs/dummbell-reverse-lunge

Video: Watch Here


Plate Russian Twist

  1. Lie down on the floor or an exercise mat with your legs fully extended and your upper body upright. Grab the plate by its sides with both hands out in front of your abdominals with your arms slightly bent.
  2. Slowly cross your legs near your ankles and lift them up off the ground. Your knees should also be bent slightly. Note: Move your upper body back slightly to help keep you balanced turning this exercise. This is the starting position.
  3. Move the plate to the left side and touch the floor with it. Breathe out as you perform that movement.
  4. Come back to the starting position as you breathe in and then repeat the movement but this time to the right side of the body. Tip: Use a slow controlled movement at all times. Jerking motions can injure the back.
  5. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Website: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/plate-twist

Video: Watch Here

Jump Rope- Forgive me, but the understanding is that you know how to jump rope.  Use a routine that challenges you for six minutes. 

V ups-

  1. Lie on ground and start in hollow body position
  2. With legs straight and together, bring them up and towards your torso
  3. While raising your legs, reach for the toes with your hands
  4. Finish in a pike position with your hands and feet meeting at hip level, then return to hollow body position

Website- http://gymnasticswod.com/content/v

Video: Watch Here




Hang Snatch 5×3

With a snatch grip, lift the bar to the standing position. Lower the bar under control to the chosen hang position (most often mid-thigh, knee or right below the knee). Once reaching the hang position, initiate the snatch by pushing against the floor with the legs first. Drive the legs against the floor and extend the hips aggressively, keeping the bar in close proximity to the body and bringing it into contact with the hips as you reach complete extension. After extending, pick up and move your feet into your squat stance while pulling your elbows high and to the sides to move yourself down into a squat under the bar while keeping the bar and your body as close to each other as possible. Punch straight up against the bar overhead as you sit into the squat, stabilize, and recover to a standing position with the bar overhead.

Website: http://www.catalystathletics.com/exercise/63/Hang-Snatch/

Video: Watch Here


Overhead Squat 5×3

  1. Start out by having a barbell in front of you on the floor. Your feet should be wider than shoulder width apart from each other.
  2. Bend the knees and use a pronated grip (palms facing you) to grab the barbell. Your hands should be at a wider than shoulder width apart from each other before lifting. Once you are positioned, lift the barbell up until you can rest it on your chest.
  3. Move the barbell over and slightly behind your head and make sure your arms are fully extended. Keep your head up at all times and also maintain a straight back. Retract your shoulder blades. This is your starting position.
  4. Slowly lower the weight by bending your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground while inhaling. Tip: Keep your back straight while performing this exercise to avoid any injuries and your arms should remain extended and over your head at all times.
  5. Now use your feet and legs to help bring the weight back up to the starting position while exhaling.
  6. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Website: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/overhead-squat

Video: Watch Here

Push Ups 5×5

HKR 3×6


Barbell Rollout 3×6

  1. For this exercise you will need to get into a pushup position, but instead of having your hands of the floor, you will be grabbing on to an Olympic barbell (loaded with 5-10 lbs on each side) instead. This will be your starting position.
  2. While keeping a slight arch on your back, lift your hips and roll the barbell towards your feet as you exhale. Tip: As you perform the movement, your glutes should be coming up, you should be keeping the abs tight and should maintain your back posture at all times. Also your arms should be staying perpendicular to the floor throughout the movement. If you don’t, you will work out your shoulders and back more than the abs.
  3. After a second contraction at the top, start to roll the barbell back forward to the starting position slowly as you inhale.
  4. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Website: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/barbell-ab-rollout

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_elM3ciI8g


Using a resistance band, extend your right arm from the bottom of your hip all the way to full extension. Once you have reached required amount of reps, switch arms.

Website: http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/videos/m/60511930/hitchhiker.htm

Video: Watch Here


Jump Rope

Treadmill or Bike



Clean Pull 5×3

Set your clean starting position tightly and initiate the lift by pushing with the legs against the floor. Shift your weight back slightly more toward the heels as the bar separates from the floor, and maintain approximately the same back angle until the bar is at mid-thigh. At mid- to upper-thigh, your shoulders should be at least slightly in front of the bar. Accelerate the bar aggressively with violent leg and hip extension, keeping the bar close to the body and allowing it to contact at the upper thighs. The movement should be directed vertically with a focus on extending the body upward, although to maintain balance, it will be leaned back slightly. The arms are not engaged in the movement, but remain relaxed in extension. The shoulders should be shrugged up somewhat after the completion of leg and hip extension to continue the bar’s upward path and allow it to stay against the body. The aggressiveness of the push against the ground should result in the lifter’s heels rising off the floor as the extension is completed.

Website: http://www.catalystathletics.com/exercise/98/Clean-Pull/

Video: Watch Here


Single Leg Squat to Box 5×3

Squat down by flexing the knee. Keep the heel on the bench. Minimize the movement at the ankle.

As you squat down, raise your arms to shoulder height as a counterbalance.

Squat down until the thigh is parallel to the floor. Then squat back up using only the leg you are balancing on.

Website: http://functionalresistancetraining.com/exercises/single-leg-box-squat

Video: Watch Here

Chin Ups- 5×3

Kneeling Alternating Shoulder Press 5×4


On two knees, holding two dumbbells, start by extending one arm in the air, then bring it back down to your hip. Do the same with the other arm and continue alternating until amount of reps are complete.

Video: Watch Here


Reverse Hyper 2×6

Preparation (when lacking hyperextension machine):

Place sandbag or medicine ball between ankles. Lay torso and waist on bench and grasp handles. Feet should be above floor with legs straight.


Raise weight by extending hips as high as possible until legs are nearly straight. Lower legs to original position. Repeat.


Video: Watch Here


Hyper to Ham on GHD Machine 2×6 ?




Medicine Ball Ceiling Rebound


Toss the medicine ball underhanded towards the ceiling. Once it comes back and hits the ground, catch its rebound and slam the medicine ball back into the floor.


Video: Watch Here


Mountain Climbers

  1. Assume a press up position so your hands are directly under your chest at shoulder width apart with straight arms
  2. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles
  3. Lift your right foot off the floor and slowly raise your knee as close to your chest as you can
  4. Return to the starting position and repeat with your left leg
  5. Continue alternating for the desired number of reps or time


Video: Watch Here

Lateral Hurdle Jumps

Stand laterally next to hurdles in an athletic position.

Bend knees and spring off both feet jumping laterally

over hurdle.

Land on both feet, knees bent in an athletic position.

Repeat jumps and technique over remaining hurdles.

After last jump, land and sprint 10 yards.

Face opposite direction on next repetition.

Repeat technique.



Video: Watch Here


Push Ups

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