
Brunswick High School and Brunswick Junior High School:
Breakfast: $2.00
Lunch: $3.00
Milk a la carte: $.50
Free for both free and reduced price students

Elementary Schools:
Breakfast: $2.00
Lunch: $2.90
Milk a la carte: $.50
Free for both free and reduced price students

ATTENTION PARENTS:    The meal account system is a pre-pay system. There must be money available on the account to ensure there is no disruption in your student’s meal service.  As a rule we do not allow charging to any account.  If there has been an exception to this rule, we will send notices home with students who owe money on their accounts.  If a student’s school offers a la carte items, there will be no charging allowed to any account for those items.

Payment Options:

Pay by Check (Preferred payment method):  Make check payable to BSD School Nutrition.  Grades PreK to grade 5 chech must be in an envelope marked with amount, student and teacher name. BJHS students may pay at point of sale or by placing check in envelope with amount, student and teacher name. Students in grades PreK to grade 8 may give the deposit envelope to their teacher or place in designated drop box. BHS students pay at point of sale.

Checks may also be mailed to:  Superintendent of Schools attn:  School Nutrition, 46 Federal Street, Brunswick, ME 04011

Pay by Credit / Debit Card (Preferred payment method):  If you would like to add money to your student’s meal account by using a credit card please enroll in my school bucks by going to this link:

Pay by Cash – Grades PreK to grade 5 cash must be in an envelope marked with amount, student and teacher name. BJHS students may pay at point of sale or by placing cash in envelope with amount,  student and teacher name. Students in grades PreK to grade 8 may give deposit envelope to their teacher or place in designated drop box.  BHS students pay at point of sale.

Please feel free to call or e-mail anytime to request a balance update on your child’s account status.