Section 1.  A general membership meeting for the Brunswick chapter of the National Honor Society will be held on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.  In addition, the Executive Committee, consisting of the officers of the Brunswick chapter, will meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month.

Section 2.  A calendar of meeting dates will be distributed to all members during the first meeting of each academic year.

Section 3.  The chapter president may call special meetings approved by the Executive Committee.  Any special meetings will not be mandatory.

Section 4. Members will be required to attend all meetings and can only be excused from a meeting by the Chapter Advisor.

Section5.  All chapter meetings will be run according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section 6.  All motions proposed during a chapter meeting will be passed only upon a majority vote by the chapter membership.  The Executive Committee shall have the power to veto by unanimous decision.  This officers veto can be overturned by a two-thirds majority vote of the membership.  The Chapter Advisor also has veto power and cannot be overruled.

Section 7. Members not in attendance for a meeting, whether excused or not, shall not have a vote in the decisions made during that meeting and will not be able to vote on a later basis.