Effective Educator law:
Maine Revised Statute 20-A, Chapter 508 requires all school administrative districts to develop, pilot and implement systems of performance evaluation and professional growth for teachers and principals. The purpose of the rule is to improve educator effectiveness by setting expectations for professional practice and learning growth and providing actionable feedback and support to help educators meet those expectations. The overriding goal for improving educator effectiveness is to improve student achievement.
Chapter 508 outlines specific components that must be part of the process including a system development committee representative teachers, administrators, parents, community and School Board members. The Development Committee will create the proposed process and procedures and present them to the Board of Directors for final approval in the spring of 2015.
Additional requirements include the use of clearly defined standards: INTASC Standards for teachers and IISLC standards for principals. Student achievement data must be a significant factor in the evaluations of the professional staff. The Brunswick School Department evaluation Steering Committee will meet monthly during the school year to continue work on the evaluation system.
Gregory J. Bartlett – Former Assistant Superintendent
- Evaluation Timeline
- New Evaluations Process – FAQs
- Evaluation changes chart 2.0
- Summer PE/PG 2014 Training
- Chapter 508
- InTASC – Model Core Teaching Standards
- Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) Standards
- DOE Provides Guidance on Educator Evaluation Steering Committees – Maine DOE Newsroom, Feb. 19, 2014
- FAQ On System Pilots
- Teacher Evaluation Rubrics