Academic Algebra 2 Chapter 2

Academic Algebra 2 Chapter 2

9/21/17 Ch 1 Quiz.  Section 2.1 Solving equations and inequalities.

Assignment: pg 94 23-39 odd, 44, 49, 53

9/25/17 Section 2.2 Solving Proportions

Assignment: pg 101 16-24 even, 30,32,33,39,41,53.

9/27/17 Section 2.3 Linear Equations.

Assignment: pg 110 23-47 odd.

9/29/17 Section 2.4 Writing linear equations, parallel and perpendicular lines

Assignment: pg 121 13-41 odd

10/3/17 Quiz Thursday.  Section 2.5 Linear Inequalities

Assignment: pg 128 14-19,25-31 odd, 36, 38-40.  For quiz, look at pg 133.

10/5/17 Quiz 2.1

10/13/17 Section 2.6 Transformations, day 1.  

Assignment: pg 138 1-14.

10/17/17 Finish 2.6 on transformations.  Worksheet packet for homework

10/19/17 Transformation review.  Quiz on Monday.  Look at pg 165 1-4 and pg 168 41-45.

10/23/17 Quiz 2.2 on transformations.  Section 2.8 Absolute value equations and inequalities

Assignment: pg 153 14-35

10/25/17 2.9 Absolute value funcrtions. 

Assignment: pg 161 9-17,19-29

10/27/17 Chapter 2 review.  Test on Tuesday

Assignment: pg 166 4,8,10,12,16,17,18,20,23,26,28,29,31-34,36,37,41-45,47,52,53,54,56-58

11/2/17  Due to the storm, the chapter 2 test will be on Monday.