G.O.A.L.S. Letter

G.O.A.L.S. Class

Mr. Arcand & Mr. Woolworth / Room 120


Guidance, Outcome, Achieve, Leadership and Success, these are the essential components to the GOALS class. The transition from high school to young adulthood is a critical stage for all teenagers; for students with disabilities, this stage requires extra planning and goal setting. Factors to consider include post-secondary education, the development of career and vocational skills, as well as the ability to live independently. This course is a guide to planning for the successful transition of a student with disabilities from school to post high school endeavors. The purpose of transition planning is to provide the student with the services and supports he/she needs to make a successful move into adult life. The student will use the work throughout the class to develop their IEP and Transition Plan for post-secondary life experiences.

The G.O.A.L.S. Class lessons facilitate high school to adult life planning partnerships between students, their families, educators and the community. We will use the eight unit topics below to teach students the knowledge needed to actively participate in their post-secondary plan.

  • Awareness of Self, Family, Community, and Disability
  • Concepts and Terms for Transition Planning
  • Vision for Employment
  • Vision for Further Education
  • Vision for Adult Living
  • Course of Study
  • Connecting with Adult Supports and Services
  • Putting It All Together: The Summary of Performance

Expectations: We expect students to come to class prepared to work. They must be willing to explore interests and discuss with others. Students need to have all materials needed to complete in-class assignments and an appropriate attitude. As far as behavior expectations: anything that disrupts the learning environment will not be tolerated. Students will be graded on class projects, completion of an online portfolio, journals and participation.

Looking forward to a great semester!


Charlie Arcand / Room 118

Tim Woolworth / Room 237

Brunswick High School

116 Maquiot Rd.

Brunswick ME, 04011

BHS Tel. 319-1910 (Ext. 2118 & 2237)

e-mail: carcand@brunswick.k12.me.us


website: www.brunswick.k12.me.us/carcand/

cell (Arcand): 899-7199

Student Signature: ________________________________________________________

Parent Signature: ________________________________________________________