Julius Caesar Research/Writing

Academic English I – Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar – Research/Writing Project 

Directions: Using the research databases on the Brunswick High School library website, write a report examining two of the following historical figures. Your report must cover ALL of the following topics in sequence using the format listed below:

  • By way of introduction, identify each character in a general way, briefly explaining why they are memorable as characters and famous in actual history [Paragraph 1]
  • Describe each character in depth, summarizing their career highlights and accomplishments while itemizing their basic personality traits  [Paragraph 2]
  • Mention something that each character SAYS and DOES in Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar – then explain whether Shakespeare portrays them as a sympathetic or unsympathetic character. [Paragraph 3]
  • Evaluate each character’s basic strengths and weaknesses as a leader – mentioning their success and failures from actual history. [Paragraph 4]
  • By way of conclusion, decide which character would make the better ruler in Rome and explain why. [Paragraph 5]

CAESAR [described by others as : proud, confident, ambitious, vain, delusional (“thinks he’s a god…”), conceited, egotistical, generous, kind, sentimental, magnanimous, decisive, stubborn, unyielding, regal, supercilious, cultivated, refined, “comfortable wielding power,” a “natural born leader,” dangerous, unpredictable, potentially tyrannical]

BRUTUS [described by others as: noble, gentle, honest, thoughtful, idealistic, erudite, well-intentioned, naïve, impractical, detached, calm/stoical, absent-minded, gullible, somewhat of a bungler, moody, peevish, petulant on occasion, prone to major miscalculations, “head in the clouds,” “thinker” not a “doer,” not a “natural politician,” not a “man of the people]

CASSIUS [described by others as: lean, “hungry-looking,” candid, blunt, impatient, hot-tempered, envious, resentful, wildly ambitious, “chip on his shoulder,” calculating, conniving, practical, “street smart,” reckless, courageous, “risk-taker,” “instigator,” “behind the scenes manipulator” of events]

MARK ANTONY [described by others as: outwardly loyal, diplomatic, deferential yet ambitious, calculating, manipulative, ruthless, “party animal,” hedonist, deceitful, duplicitous (two-faced), a “loose canon,” “social climber,” “natural born politician,” “demagogue”/manipulator of the crowd]

OCTAVIUS a.k.a. AUGUSTUS CAESAR  [described by others as young, inexperienced, outwardly loyal, deferential yet ambitious, calculating yet subdued, “flies under the radar,” frequently underestimated, ruthless, secretive,  patient, calm, consistent, plans ahead, sees the big picture, destined for greatness, “natural born leader”]