Science class Wed. 11/4

Students continued investigating Newton’s First Law of Motion, with demonstrations, discussion and video clips.  Then we turned our attention to the idea of acceleration, and what it REALLY means.


Science class Mon. 10/2

Students revisited their Forces Show You Know work, revising, repairing, fixing and adding.  We also looked together at the rubric for the Bridge project, and at the exit ticket for that project.

HW: Final draft of Bridge Design/Test sheets and Exit Slip.

Science class Thurs. 10/22

Students finished an informational text about balanced and unbalanced forces, and net force.  They showed their knowledge with an exit ticket, and we discussed some of our findings in class.

HW: Forces Reading Exit Ticket, if not finished in class.

Science class Wed. 10/21

Students reviewed forces, balanced and unbalanced forces.  Then we did a pre-reading activity and began a reading to increase our understanding about balanced and unbalanced forces, and to introduce the idea of net force.


Science class Mon. 10/19

Students put the finishing touches on their Ramp Investigation paragraphs and turned them in.  They also translated graphs into narratives about a skater’s actions.  Then they began an assessment about energy, in which they complete a model of energy involving a ball on a hill.

HW: Finish Hill Energy Model assessment