3-5 Topic Specific Links and Activities










Math in Focus

Listed below are the Math in Focus School-to-Home Connections sheets for each chapter of the Math In Focus Program and a Welcome to Math in Focus letter which  describes the math focus for our third grade students.  Each chapter sheet focuses on the math language and concepts for the corresponding chapter along with activities you can do at home with your child.  I hope you enjoy exploring the math concepts and  opportunity to work with your child’s math learning. If you have any questions or comments please contact me at  smccormack@brunswick.k12.me.us.



Thank you Sawyer for sharing your Mayan experience at the Museum of Science in Boston.
Explore the Mayan culture Learn more about the Maya (or Mayan)in this easy to use site.

 Tales of the Mayan Skies  Great mayan math game if you click “Online Activities” and then “Mayan Math”