K-2 Topic Specific Links and Activities


A Primer 1910 Bryce Spaulding Webb 1   KINESPHERE-Kinetics and sphere connect to create a bubble space
Tissue Dance

  • Everyone puts a tissue on their head before playing music.
  • Start the music  
  • Begin dancing
  • Don’t let the tissue hit the ground (If the tissue starts to fall, players can catch the tissue and put it back on your head.  However, if the tissue lands on the floor, they are out!)
  • Last one with a tissue on their head wins!
Fancy Dance Song– Sing and gesture along with the music.
A Wind Turbine on a Hill Motion
PBS Kids-science experiments using simple materials and positively support a child’s experiential learning. 
Look for titles under the heading Forces and Energy: Move It  http://pbskids.org/zoom/activities/sci/
Learning Games for Kids-interactive games to play and songs to hear that enhance the LEAP learning about motion.   http://www.learninggamesforkids.com/motion-games.html
Education.com -Kinesthetic Intelligence in the Early Childhood Classroom
No Time for FlashcardsActive learning activities
Neuroscience for Kids –This site supports younger students’ learning about neuroscience through kid-friendly activities.
Tiny GradsVideo about the five senses that includes a simple explanation of how each of the senses work alone and with each other.
Black and White Zig Zag Pattern  Pattern and Shape
Math, Science and Art for Kids, Patterns, Shape and Lines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qn8Xz_F9ZnI
Shape Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsR0h50BiFQ&list=PL1B01AF47FA8AC669
Shapes in Nature, cool video that transforms images from one shape to another https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1P1ADYBjFw
Shapes are Everywhere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i83qLjOgURU


See Grades 1 and 2

Grade 1

Simple Machines
Mocomi Kids  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiarGb_LK10
Awesome Skills for Awesome Kids   https://diy.org/skills/mechanicalengineer/challenges/714/build-a-simple-machine
Gray Cloud With Rain and Lightning Water Cycle


Clouds (use cotton balls to create your own cloud shapes)

Your pet cloud likes to play
And gather water droplets all day
Change its shape to suit your mood
Learning cloud names supplies your brain
with food
Cumulus clouds are full and puffy
Cumulonimbus clouds are tall, dark and
Stratus clouds hover and tickle you with
raindrops and snow
Cirrus clouds are high in the air and offer
visions to let your imagination go

Grade 2 

Little Orange Ladybug Clip Art Arthropods

Make an collage artwork  of arthropods in their habitat.  Include what you know about their habitats, food source, physical features, and predators.  Use any materials you can find around your house.  Tape or glue the pieces into place.  Write scientific descriptions about the important parts of your artwork. See some of the collages created by groups of second grade students  a few years ago.  

second grade arthopods 1 second grade ants
Something for Everyone-A collection of videos on Arthropds- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnV1dSyu61FmEogHVPWpn11ZPTGvKyKJR

Video of some of Marine Arthropods, most found in Maine- http://shapeoflife.org/video/marine-arthropods-successful-design

 Dive Training Magazine’s article on arthropods of Maine-https://dtmag.com/thelibrary/arthropods-lobsters-shrimps-crabs-barnacles-and-the-pods/
Maine Entomological SocietyOur guest scientist is a member of the Society.  Their website offers lots of information and events.   http://www.colby.edu/MES/
The Arthropod Story-The evolution of the Arthropod-http://tolweb.org/treehouses/?treehouse_id=3923
Gila Monster
Gila Monster Wrestling Battle  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCRy5Q_5kIo
Gila Monster Bite  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swlozUKuvFI
National Geographic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI6aFbBUqkY
Gila Monster Eating Quail Eggs https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/87167/12-biting-facts-about-gila-monsters
Flying Bird Coloring Page  Birds-Beaks, Feathers, Feat and Song
Feathers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2yeNoDCcBg
Specific to Eagles
Green Percentage Symbol   Probability
INTERACTIVE SITES for EDUCATION http://interactivesites.weebly.com/probability.html

Images: Thanks to GoogleArt, Clker.com, SweetClipArt.com, and Public Domain Vectors