Administration (319-1904):
Michelle Caron: Director of Transportation
Secretary: Karen Pelletier: Transportation
Mechanics: David Arnold, Head Mechanic – Donald Hilton, Mechanic
Bus Drivers: Richard Bisson / Ron Dodson / Donna Dumas / Janice Sargent / Elizabeth Keith / Andy Demmons / Rick Ryan / Steve Pelletier / Frank Sodergren / Cindie Hilton / Lloyd Wilkins / Jack Withers / Leo Theberge / Kent Spaulding / Donnalee LaRose / Michael Factor / Geoffrey Taylor / John Favreau
Spare Bus Drivers: Mike Bishop /Adam Brewer / George Schademan / Weston Anderson / Charles Blake / Dave Brunette / Dan Sayner /Butch Thibeault / Sandy Carleton / Kerry MacDonald / Paul Barron
Spare Van Drivers: Jim Tupper / Rodney Foye
Hawthorne, Superintendent’s Office:
Craig Arey, Custodian
Stuart Kay, Custodian
Mission Statement: The Transportation Department’s support role in the school district is to provide safe, comfortable, reliable and timely student transportation to school, home from school, and to extra-curricular events. It is the primary goal of the school bus driver to provide a transportation environment in which students, staff and parents feel secure. For those students who ride the bus, the driver and the bus are the first contact with the school district and can set the tone for the school day. This first contact should be a positive experience for both the student and the driver.
Brunswick School Department Bus Rules: Students being transported are under the authority of the school bus driver and the Brunswick School Department. To promote their safety and well being, the following rules are to be followed:
- Be at their bus stop and be ready for pick-up no sooner than five minutes before the bus is due.
- Stand at a safe distance back from the curb or highway and line up single file, facing the street, when the bus approaches.
- Wait for the driver to motion you across the street when it is safe to cross, and walk in front of the bus by at least ten feet.
- Do as the bus driver says and obey the driver’s instructions.
- Always use steps and handrails, and never crowd or push when getting on or off the bus.
- Always remain properly seated at all times while the bus is moving.
- Never stand, except to exit the bus at your bus stop, and remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop.
- Never throw anything on the bus or out the bus window, or extend hands, arms, heads or objectss through bus windows.
- Have written permission from parent/guardian turned into the Main Office of your student’s school. The Main Office will receive approval from the Principal and then your student will receive a Blue Temporary Alternative Bus Authorization Pass upon approval. For any change in bus transportation to ride another bus or get off at a stop other than your student’s stop, the student will need to present the completed Blue Bus Pass to the Driver,.
- Talk in normal tones; screaming and yelling are prohibited.
Riding a school bus is a privilege and should be treated as such. Bus rules are for the safety of all those who ride the bus. Students who refuse to obey these stated rules may forfeit their privilege to ride the school bus.
Bus Disciplinary Action: Parental assistance in discussing appropriate and safe behavior is appreciated. Unfortunately, failure to behave appropriately can result in loss of school bus privileges. For a significant or recurring problem, the disciplinary procedure will be as follows:
- Student is requested by driver to comply with the rules
- Student and driver discuss the problem.
- Driver reports misbehavior to the principal and the principal takes one of the following actions:
- Principal and student discuss the problem and develop a plan to correct the behavior.
- The principal notifies the parents of the problem and of the possibility of forfeiting bus privilege.
- Student loses bus privileges for a specified number of days.
- Student forfeits bus privileges for the remainder of the school year.
Should you have any concerns regarding the transportation operation, feel free to call Michelle Caron at 319-1904.
Please help your child learn the route number of his/her bus (see below). To assist bus drivers in promoting student safety, we request that kindergarten and first grade students wear a name and address tag for the first week of school.
RELATED SCHOOL BOARD POLICIES: (for copies, email Nan March)
EE: Transportation (3/9/11)
EEAEAA: Alcohol and Controlled Substance Testing Policy for Drivers (9/9/98)
EEAEAA-R: Administrative Rule on Driver Alcohol and Drug Use and Testing (9/9/98)
EEAEAA-E1: Acknowledgement (9/9/98)
EEAEAA-E2: Handbook on Alcohol & Controlled Substance Testing for Commercial License Drivers (unavailable)
EEAEC: Video Cameras on Transportation Vehicles (4/9/97)
EEAEC-R: Video Cameras on Transportation Vehicles-Procedures (12/13/00)
EEAEC-E1: Video Cameras on Transportation Vehicles-Letter to Parent (12/13/00)
EEAEC-E2: Video Cameras on Transportation Vehicles-Warning Video Surveillance (12/13/00)
EEAEC-E3: Bus Video/Audio Tape Viewing Log (12/13/00)
EEAEC-E4: Request Form to View School Bus Video/Audio (12/13/00)
EEAG: Student Transportation in Private Vehicles (7/8/98)
EEBB: Employeee Use of Private Vehicles to Transport Students (11/10/10)
EEBB-R: Use of Private Vehicles on School Business-Administrative Procedure (7/9/98)
EEBB-E1: Employee Request to Use Personal Vehicle for School Business (11/10/10)
EEBB-E2: Personal Vehicle Checklist (11/10/10)
EEBB-E3: Parent/Guardian Permission for Transportation by Private Vehicle, Waiver, Release and Agreement to Hold Harmless (11/10/10)
EEBB-E4: Parent/Guardian Permission for Transportation by Private Vehicle, Waiver, Release and Agreement to Hold Harmless (7/2016)
School Bus Fleet
School Transportation News
Maine Traffic Laws
Bus Assignments
Click for Bus Assignments by Street Names 2019-2020 (PDF)
Bus Stops are Designated as Non-Smoking Areas
Click for Chapter 14 No Smoking Ordinance adopted 7-1-19 (PDF)