Dear BJHS Staff, Students and Parents,
Our beautiful garden has started its eighth season, producing wonderful organic vegetables. It has thrived thanks to the hard work of our volunteers. This year we have potatoes, carrots, spinach, Swiss chard, tomatoes, peppers, beans, sunflowers, squash, asparagus, strawberries, beautiful flowers, and herbs. The fall harvest will be served in the school cafeteria and any harvests over the summer can be eaten by you or donated to the Mid-Coast Hunger Prevention Program.
In order to keep it going we need SUMMER VOLUNTEERS! No experience needed! It’s a great opportunity to help support the school garden. You can commit any week to one visit (about two hours), 3 times that week, or more. The time of visits can be adjusted to fit your schedule and to the schedule of that week’s garden coordinator.
* Parents – We could use some help this summer keeping this garden growing! – Please sign up!
* 6th Graders – Come check this out!
* 7th Graders – Come keep this going!
* 8th Graders – You can earn up to 10 hours of community service towards high school graduation just by spending some time outdoors! We would love to work with you to do nice things for BJHS!!Get positively charged in a beautiful setting and help our garden flourish!
* 6th Graders – Come check this out!
* 7th Graders – Come keep this going!
* 8th Graders – You can earn up to 10 hours of community service towards high school graduation just by spending some time outdoors! We would love to work with you to do nice things for BJHS!!Get positively charged in a beautiful setting and help our garden flourish!
Please, sign up at the link!/showSignUp/60b0d45a4a72aa57-summer2
Please, contact Ms Lamdin (room 108)or Radka MacKillop ( if you have questions.
We appreciate your help!
The BJH Wellness and Go Green Teams
For more information contact: Mrs. Lamdin or see the Monthly Newsletter
Click to see Newsletter