Brunswick School Board Goals-2013

Brunswick School Board
Brunswick, Maine
Goals 2013   

I.   Improve Academic Achievement for All Students

  • Support the school department in its effort to provide remediation to students
    functioning below the proficiency level as measured by state and local
  • Supportthe school department in its effort to provide full access to the general
    education curriculum for those students identified as needing special education
    services, Title I services or services under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
  • Support the school department in its effort to provide the resources to ensure a smooth transition to one pre K-grade 2 school, one grade 3-grade 5 school, and one grade 6–grade 8 school.
  • Support the school department in its effort to provide a positive school climate at
    each district school through the promotion and development of physically and
    emotionally safe learning environments.

II.  Fiscal Management: Oversight of the School Department

  • Develop and pass a school budget that makes effective and thoughtful use of
    resources allocated to the school district.
  • Successfully negotiate a new contract with the educational technicians and bus drivers/custodians.
  • Work with town officials and politicians to address the current revenue loss
  • Work with town officials on the revision of the Capital Improvement Plan.

III. Support, Develop and Complete Long Range Planning

  • Support and work with the school department in its effort to engage the community in a conversation about public education using the data to draft a long range plan.
  • Support and develop a plan to renovate Coffin Elementary School and Brunswick Junior High School, including the dissemination of information to the community on educational specifications and long term financing.

IV. Encourage and Support Community Engagement and Communication

  • School board office hours or school board socials may be held throughout the year.
  • Public forums and informational meetings may be held.
  • Public appearances and conversations may be held.

V.  Review 

  • Review goals in June and December.

Adopted:  2/13/13


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