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School Board Members
Meetings/Agendas/Workshops/Special Meetings
School Board Minutes
School Board Policies
School Board Committee Appointments
School Board/Superintendent Goals

Philosophy of the Brunswick Public Schools
Our primary purpose is to educate students with an emphasis on the mastery of basic skills and expansion of knowledge. The worth and dignity of the individual students are recognized in order to provide for maximum intellectual, physical, social and emotional development. In order to reach their potential, students will be encouraged to explore ideas, to make choices, to appreciate aesthetics of life, and to understand their responsibilities as individuals in a democratic society.

School Board Vision
The vision of the Brunswick School Board is a community of life-long learners able to contribute positively to society. We envision students striving towards significant accomplishments and the attainment of their full potential. Towards this end, students shall, to the best of their ability, acquire and apply the skills necessary to effectively communicate , to utilize and adapt technology, to think critically and creatively, and to become responsible individuals.

School Board Duties and Responsibilities
Maine state law charges school boards with the responsibility to “manage the schools” and direct the general course of instruction. The Board concerns itself primarily with questions of policy, and not with administrative details. This is done by selecting a superintendent and providing him/her with authority and direction.

It is not the duty of the Board to operate the schools, but rather to see that they are well operated. The application of policies is an administrative task to be performed by the superintendent and his/her staff. They will be held responsible for the effective administration and supervision of the entire school system.

School Board Meetings
The Brunswick School Board meets at 7:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month in the Municipal Meeting Room at Maine Street Station. The monthly meeting date may be changed from time to time. Agendas are prepared by the superintendent and board chairperson and published at least three days in advance of the meeting. They are posted in the town hall, superintendent’s office, schools, and in the Times-Record. On occasion, the Bioard may call a special meeting to conduct business which cannot be delayed until the next meeting. It is the intent of the Board to complete all business by 10:30 p.m.

School Board Executive Sessions
The Board may go into private or executive session upon a majority vote of the members present and voting, for consideration of certain matters specified by law (such as personal issues, student suspension/expulsion, contracts to be negotiated, collective bargaining, legal advice, litigation). No final action may be taken by the Board during an executive session.

Public Participation
In accordance with the Freedom of Access (Right to Know) Law, meetings of the Board are public in that they are held ini public. This does not mean they are public meetings in the same sense as a “town meeting.” There is no statutory requirement in Maine that the public be permitted to speak at Board meetings. However, we welcome comments and concerns related to the matters under consideration by the Board. An opportunity is provided on each agenda for public comment to share suggestions, thank you’s, etc. Please be aware of these ground rules:

The speaker should be recognized by the chairperson. Name and residence of the speaker may be requested by the chairperson.

The Board may decide to curtail the length of question or debate.

Interference with the orderly conduct of business, defamatory or abusive remarks will not be allowwed.

At a board meeting, orally-initiated charges or complaints against individual employees or instructional materials used in the schools will not be allowed. Such charges should be written, signed and presented to the superintendent using the Board’s complaint procedures.

School Board Workshops
The School Board does schedule workshops at the superintendent’s office on the fourth Wednesday of some months to discuss topics of interest. No formal action is taken.

Order of Business
The business of the Board shall be preceded by the Pledge of Allegiance. The order of business shall commence at the hour appointed and on the appearance of a quorium. The chairperosn shall preside conducting the business in the following order:

  • Adjustment of Agenda
  • Consent Agenda
  • Old Business
  • Approval of Minutes
  • Communications
  • Public Participation
  • Superintendent’s Report
  • Board Chair’s Report
  • Committee Reports
  • New Business
  • Calendar/Announcements
  • Future Agenda Items
  • Adjournment
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