(Please note: Areas of the curriculum are currently being worked on or in the process of being created.  Any unit/subject which is underlined will link to the appropriate subject matter.  If it is not underlined, it is either being revised or created.)

Kindergarten-Grade 8:  N/A

Grade 9:
Unit 1: Career/Life Planning 9th Grade Seminar

Prerequisite:  none
This seminar serves as an introduction to the high school experience and the world of work.  Through study skill activities, inventories, class discussions, and self-assessment, you will become more aware of skills needed to be successful in high school and the academic resources available.  You will also become aware of your career interests and abilities, as well as future career possibilities.  In addition you will complete a 4-year plan and begin your high school portfolio. (last updated 3/19/2010)

Grade 10:
Unit 2: Career/Life Planning 10th Grade Seminar
This seminar serves as a continuation of the 9th Grade Seminar.  You will continue to develop your 4-year plan and portfolio, explore in depth your career interests and possibilities.  A computerized guidance information system and the internet will allow you to research a variety of occupations, explore methods of entry into those occupations, and determine that method of training or education best suited to your needs. (last updated 3/19/2010)

Grade 11:
Unit 3: College Planning and Preparation Junior
(Semester) 1/2 credit
Prerequisite:  none
This course is designed for students who are planning to attend any type of post-secondary institution.  You will begin to narrow down college choices through research using a computerized college information program, the internet, catalogues, videos, and through visitations and interviews.  You will complete a college résumé, application forms and college essays, and will become familiar with the process of applying for financial aid.  In addition, you will have the opportunity to prepare for the SAT I, II, and the ACT. (last updated 3/19/2010)

Grade 11:
Unit 4: College Planning and Preparation Senior

(Semester) 1/2 credit
Prerequisite:  none
This course is designed for students who are planning to attend any type of post-secondary institution.  You will begin to narrow down college choices through research using a computerized college information program, the internet, catalogues, videos, and through visitations and interviews.  You will complete a college résumé, application forms and college essays, and will become familiar with the process of applying for financial aid.  In addition, you will have the opportunity to prepare for the SAT I, II, and the ACT. (last updated 3/19/2010)

Grade 10:
Unit 5: Gen-Yes

1/2 credit
Prerequisite:  teacher permission
Students will develop their information and technology literacy skills in the following areas:  research, writing, presentation, mentoring, project development and leadership.  Students will then be paired with a teacher and as a team they will decide on a project or lesson that can be infused with technology.  Students will work with course instructors and Gen-Yes consultants, and cooperating teachers will provide input.  The class is designed to develop student leaders who can lend their technical expertise to the classroom teachers.  No previous technical knowledge is necessary. (last updated 3/19/2010)

Grades 9-12:
Unit 6: Morning Announcement Program

Credit: varies
Grade Level:  9-12
Prerequisite:  Application/Permission of Librarian
Students in this program will produce and broadcast the daily announcements from the video studio in the library.  Students will be taught how to use video recording and editing equipment and will be instructed in the various components of producing a program. Students must have Period 1/2 Orange or Period 1/2 Black available to participate in this program. (last updated 3/19/2010)

Grade 12:
Unit 7: School To Work

1 credit
Prerequisite: Permission of Teacher (11th grade with permission)
This course is for seniors and juniors with special permission who are still undecided about their future plans.  The focus will be to assist the student in developing a career path that may lead to employment after graduation.  Traditional job seeking skills including resume writing, job interviewing etc. will be a part of the curriculum.   After successful completion of this class, students will be better prepared to seek employment in a field of his or her interest after graduation. (last updated 3/19/2010)

Grades 9-12:
Unit 8: Service Learning Projects

1 credit
Prerequisite:  Permission of Teacher
This course is an elective for highly motivated individuals.  The class will survey the community and determine a need. Activities may include meetings with community leaders to determine possible solutions.  There will be a variety of guest speakers to further clarify how community service can impact a community issue.  As part of the assessment process, the class may present a timeline of their progress and final results to a panel of local educational and community leaders. (last updated 3/19/2010)

Grades 9-12:
Unit 9: Office/Counseling Department/Library/Special Education Assistant

1/4 credit
Prerequisite:  Application/Department Permission

Grades 11-12: Goals: Transition Readiness
Special Education Department – Adopted May 2018

Course Overview

G.O.A.L.S. Class (Guidance Outcomes Achieves Leadership Success):  The transition from high school to young adulthood is a critical stage for all teenagers; for students with disabilities, this stage requires extra planning and goal setting. Factors to consider include post-secondary education, the development of career and vocational skills, as well as the ability to live independently. This course is a guide to planning for the successful transition of a student with disabilities from school to post-high school endeavors. The purpose of transition planning is to provide the student with the services and supports he/she needs to make a successful move into adult life. Students will use the work throughout the class to develop their IEP and Transition Plan for post-secondary life experiences.

Essential Understandings

  • Values influence our lifelong decisions.
  • Personal place or contribution in a community is not limited by a disability.
  • Post-secondary planning includes current coursework, employment, further education and where one will live.
  • Self-advocacy and accessing resources are important for future planning.

Priority Standards and Performance Indicators

 P.S. ELA 7 Speaking and Listening:  Engage effectively in well-reasoned exchange of ideas

  1. Attentively listen to the words of a speaker.
  2. Summarize what someone has said.
  3. Defend, refute, or challenge the ideas of others.
  4. Use evidence to support a position.
  5. Organize ideas clearly and logically.
  6. Use annotations of the text to contribute to class discussion.

Maine Learning Results: Career and Education Development:

A1:  Self-knowledge and self-concept
B1:  Relationships among learning, work, the community and the global community

Brunswick High School Guiding Principles:

Standard 1 Communicate clearly and effectively

  1. Listen, comprehend and adjust communication based on audience, task, purpose and discipline
  2. Use a variety of modes of expression, such as spoken, written, visual and performing arts including the use of technology and digital media

Standard 2 Demonstrate the habits of being a self-directed life-long learner

  1. Demonstrates initiative and persistence
  2. Demonstrates flexibility and independence

Standard 4  Engage in responsible and involved citizenship

  1. Demonstrates global awareness and economic and civil literacy
  2. Demonstrate awareness of personal and community health and awareness

Standard 5 Demonstrate integrative and informed thinking

  1. Gain and apply knowledge across disciplines and learning contexts

Examples of Formative / Summative Assessments

  • Completed transition plan with career goals, course of study
  • Completed interviews with responses and reflection
  • Post-secondary education plan with college research activities
  • Career Research Project with O-NET interest inventory results & resume
  • Development of post-secondary living vision
  • Portfolio of services available in living area
  • GOALS final exam

Sample Texts and Materials/Resources

  • O-NET online
  • GOALS google classroom
  • Videos: LD movie, Success Through Effort, Growing Your Mind, Coping with Stress
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